Movie of the Month. How simple, but how impressive!

This is a moving true story.


Bried was born with Tourette's syndrome, a severe spasm that causes him to wiggle his neck uncontrollably and make strange noises. For this his life was full of trouble and challenges.

Bried has a wonderful mother, of course, to grow up with such a supportive circumstance. That's why he's been so optimistic and got starlight in his eyes.

Also, Bried was fortunate. He met the headmaster who did inspire him and let the sunlight shine over his path. It was also the moment Bried found his dream.


Growing up, Bried kept running from one school to another, just to look for a perfect place where could take him in for who he is. Eventually he also made it.

Always, I can feel the pain when Bried responds to those taunts and jeers with his kind smiles. From time to time I start to ask myself: have I given respect and blessings to every unfortunate person I met? Still the prejudice exists in my heart, and I shall learn to be more merciful.

While I felt sympathy for him, he healed my heart inadvertently -- always, Bried would decorate the classroom into a lovely little garden, waiting for his kids to come. He told the kids it's okay to be different, and introduced Tourette as his friend instead of disability. All the children love him so much.


His heart is soil, his patience is sunshine, and his inspiration is rain. Under such a circumstance, no matter what kind of small seedlings can all grow in the most robust way.


In the end, Bried got a prize New Teacher of The Year. As he was asked how to face Tourette in his life, his excellent students, at table, gave the best answer, for they have the best teacher in the world.

Seeing Bried give presentation on the stage makes me feel that his life is already completed. I used to think only by achieving something especially great and unique could it make my life a happy ending. In fact it wasn't true. I shouldn't be pushed by my eternal ambition, and what really matters is to choose what I want and be pleased with it.


Leaves floating, the river flows. Bried is dating with Nancy, his girl. And I watch them, as if I've seen through his whole lifetime...


Just like what he said, never let anything stop you from chasing your dream.
And every time hearing of this sort of reasoning, I can't help wondering, how familiar it is, and how few people can understand it all.

This is an informal review. I can't express all my mind but the very first feeling after watching it.
btw James Wolk has the most charming smile in the world. Love him
