和卡蜜兒·克勞黛爾一樣美麗、有才又苦難的藝術家,像Orlando一樣多變而迷人。Frida比卡蜜兒幸運,因為Diego不像羅丹那樣嫉妒和榨取卡蜜兒的才華,而始終是Frida的comrade和fellowship。這部電影對婚姻的闡釋也非常深刻,帶着南美的熱烈與豁達,at best,it's a happy delusion. These two people who truly love each other and have no idea how truly miserable they are about to make each other. But when two people know that and they decide with eyes wide open, then I don't think it's delusional. It's radical and courageous and very romantic. 浪漫就是這種認清了真相的義無反顧。深以為然。