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第六集 Icarus



扮演Ravenna Mackenzie的Lily Lesser,是Bright现实生活中的女儿。上集是星斯四探长现实老婆出镜。


“Ye who enter here, all hope abandon”,译自意大利语“Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch’intrate” ,是但丁跨越地狱之门时看到的刻在门上的。出自《神曲》(Divine), 该书描写通往上帝的灵魂之旅。




Ovid’s Metamorphoses, Lines 225 to 230. Daedalus and Icarus.



……he took his path [went] higher. The vicinity of the sun softens the fragrant wax, the chains of the feathers; the wax melted: he shook his bare arms and lacking oarage he takes up no air, and his mouth shouting his father’s name is swept up in the blue sea, which takes its name from him.


小尼禄读的书,The Twelve Caesars by Suetonius,《罗马十二帝王传》。


“Waterloo was won on the playing fields of places like Coldwater”,类似威灵顿公爵说过的,“The battle of Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton”。意思是这些学生将来会成为保家卫国的战士。


斯坦劳读的书是肯尼迪的,A Nation of Immigrants by John F. Kennedy,《移民之国》。大力赞扬移民的贡献。


“Qui non nobiscum adversus nos est”,意思是“He that is not with us is against us“。



吉卜林 The Overland Mail:

IN THE name of the Empress of India, make way,O Lords of the Jungle, wherever you roam.The woods are astir at the close of the day—We exiles are waiting for letters from Home.Let the robber retreat—let the tiger turn tail—In the Name of the Empress, the Overland Mail!//With a jingle of bells as the dusk gathers in,He turns to the foot-path that heads up the hill—The bags on his back and a cloth round his chin,And, tucked in his waist-belt, the Post Office bill:—“Despatched on this date, as received by the rail,“Per runner, two bags of the Overland Mail.”//Is the torrent in spate? He must ford it or swim.Has the rain wrecked the road? He must climb by the cliff.Does the tempest cry halt? What are tempests to him?The Service admits not a “but” or and “if.”While the breath’s in his mouth, he must bear without fail,In the Name of the Empress, the Overland Mail.//From aloe to rose-oak, from rose-oak to fir,From level to upland, from upland to crest,From rice-field to rock-ridge, from rock-ridge to spur,Fly the soft sandalled feet, strains the brawny brown chest.From rail to ravine—to the peak from the vale—Up, up through the night goes the Overland Mail.//There’s a speck on the hillside, a dot on the road—A jingle of bells on the foot-path below—There’s a scuffle above in the monkey’s abode—The world is awake, and the clouds are aglow.For the great Sun himself must attend to the hail:—“In the name of the Empress, the Overland Mail!”



Say not the Struggle nought Availeth


Say not the struggle nought availeth,The labour and the wounds are vain,The enemy faints not, nor faileth,And as things have been they remain.//If hopes were dupes, fears may be liars;It may be, in yon smoke concealed,Your comrades chase e’en now the fliers,And, but for you, possess the field.//For while the tired waves, vainly breakingSeem here no painful inch to gain,Far back through creeks and inlets making,Comes silent, flooding in, the main.//And not by eastern windows only,When daylight comes, comes in the light,In front the sun climbs slow, how slowly,But westward, look, the land is bright.

原创Colin Dexter出镜:


