On today's market, we find a whole series of products deprived of their malignant property: cream without fat, beer without alcohol, decaffeinated coffee, virtual sex (sex without sex), warfare without casualties. What we encounter, is precisely Lacan's reversal of the famous Dostoyevsky model, "If God doesn't exist, everything is permitted. If God doesn' t exist, everything is prohibited." You are allowed to have a full life of happiness and pleasure. But to be happy, you should avoid dangerous excesses. So at the end, everything is prohibited. You cannot eat fat or have coffee -- you cannot have anything in order to enjoy. So today's hedonism combines pleasure with constraint. It's not the old notion of the right measure between pleasure and constraint. It's more of a coincidence of the two extremes. There is only one possible explanation: enjoyment itself, which we experience as "transgression", is in its innermost status something imposed, ordered - when we enojoy, we never do it spontaneously, we always follow a certian injunction. Enjoy, is Superego.