来自维基百科:《历史的最后天使》是一部时长 45 分钟的纪录片,由约翰·阿孔弗拉 ( John Akomfrah)于 1996 年执导,由黑人音频电影集体 (Black Audio Film Collective)的爱德华·乔治 ( ...
来自维基百科:《历史的最后天使》是一部时长 45 分钟的纪录片,由约翰·阿孔弗拉 ( John Akomfrah)于 1996 年执导,由黑人音频电影集体 (Black Audio Film Collective)的爱德华·乔治 ( ...
"The line between social reality and science fiction is an optical illusion"
Smart and savage and campy AS F “the line between social reality and science fiction is an optical illusion”
A sci-fi digitized diaspora of Africans. 上世纪电视节目总是充满了conspiracy的感觉
Docu-fiction by Akomfrah, the director who did the Stuart Hall Project, among many other documentaries. Unlike the much more focused and linear logic of the Stuart Hall Project, the Last Angel of History is an experimental journey to the past & future seen through the lenses of a fictional "Data Thief", with no real theme or message except music, afro-culture and a misguided concept of technology. Basically it's a mess. The only positive thing is that it introduces some good music and manages to be creative in the editing & superposing of sounds and images, techniques which constitute Akomfrah's aesthetic signature. Original concept, though not leading anywhere at all.