看完后,脑海里久久回荡着Aunt May对深深陷入自我怀疑的Peter Parker说出的一段话, "Too few characters out there, flying around like that...saving old girls like me. And lord knows, kids like Henry need a hero, courageous, self-sacrificing people, setting examples for all of us. Everybody loves a hero. People line up for them. Cheer them. Scream their names. And years later, they will tell how they stood in the rains for hours just to get the glimpse of the one to hold on a second longer. I believe there is a hero in all of us that keeps us honest, gives us strength, makes us noble and finally allows us to die with pride. Even though sometimes we have to be steady and give up the thing we want the most, even our dreams. Spider Man did that for Henry and he wonders where he's gone." 不喜欢心灵鸡汤台词的我看到这段和Peter一起泪目了。只有如此善良、正直、温暖的Aunt May才能培养出Peter了。


第一部叙述的是Peter怎样从一个平凡怯懦的男孩成长为行侠仗义的英雄,如何满足Uncle Ben的遗愿,承担起更大的使命。第二部描绘的是Peter成长为蜘蛛侠后内心的挣扎,在无人企及的高峰承担无人分担的责任是如此孤独,烟火人间的安宁与幸福是如此奢侈,无论牺牲多少都不能为褪下面具后的Peter赢得一丝一毫的奖赏,摘下面具后,他依旧是交不起房租的Peter, 这一切究竟值得吗。Peter动摇了,他的超能力随着他的彷徨一同衰退了,他做回了一个普通的大学生,认真地学习,投入地恋爱,做回了人群里呆头呆脑的透明,但是他并未获得期待中的满足。在自知能力已经消失后,他依然会毫不犹豫、奋不顾身地搭救受困于火海的女孩,原来蜘蛛侠已经深深地烙印在了Peter的精神中。
