


25:30 的时候,在那个种族歧视的女的生产完毕大吼大叫的时候,Adam随口给孩子起名,说,Adolf’s a good name. 这里的Adolf暗指 Adolf Hitler吧!

43:26 护士小哥念出了他反穿着的衣服上面的字,Enjoy your last night of pussy. 因为看完了一遍,所以这里再看,才知道,是暗指他要离开这份职业了呢!



SHO 住院医师 0:44 It’s Shruti, one of the SHOs.

rota 勤务轮值表 0:47 you’re on the rota(值班) for labour ward(产房) today.

labour 分娩,生产 0:47 you’re on the rota for labour ward today.

ward 病房 0:47 you’re on the rota for labour ward today.

Caesarean 剖腹产的 2:12 So you need a Caesarean section.

section 切断

scalpel 解剖刀 2:15 I’ve got a scalpel in my back pocket.

cord 脐带 3:35 We call this a cord prolapse.

prolapse (器官全部或部分的)脱垂 3:35 We call this a cord prolapse.

保持肘膝位 4:13 Knee-elbow position

theatre 【英】(医院或其他有手术设备的医疗机构的)手术室 4:16 replace the cord, get her round to the theatre.

scrub (医生做手术时穿的经过特殊消毒的)防护衣) 4:17 I’m going to change in to some scrubs.

anaesthetist 麻醉师 4:45 You go and find the anaesthetist.

triage (医院的)患者鉴别分类 5:09 Just go back to triage(分诊台)

obstetrics 产科学 5:34 This is obs and gynae.

gynaecology 妇科学

geriatrics 老年病学 6:05 Beat that, geriatrics

registrar 【英】(级别在住院实习医生之上、协助专科医生或专科主任工作的)专科住院医生 6:52 Remember when I asked you to be an acting registrar?

pinkie [口] (手)的小指 7:34 -Pinkie promise?

-Pinkie promise with a little cherry on top.拉钩上吊一百年不许变

trout 【英口】讨厌的婆娘,丑妇 7:42 Moany old trout

midwife 助产士 8:02 Tracy’s the head midwife on today.

perineum 会阴 8:04 I’d let her sew up my sister’s perineum.

epididymitis 附睾炎 8:29 Doctors speak a lot of code, so it’s epididymo-orchitis rather than gammy cock and bals

orchitis 睾丸炎

quadriplegic 四肢瘫痪者 8:50 I’m in labour, Mother, not quadriplegic.

syntocinon 合成催产素 9:31 let’s put the Synto onto 84 and re-examine in four hours.

ward round 查房 11:39 I’m actually in the middle of a ward round.

non-specific 非特异性的 12:03 with non-specific symptoms

wallflower (舞会或聚会中因没有舞伴或害羞而)坐着作壁上观的人 13:22 You just need to be less of a wallflower.

carbon-monoxide 一氧化碳 14:09 Carbon-monoxide poisoning?

forceps 产钳 15:31 Never actually let the patient see the forceps.

oomph 劲儿 16:39 Just put some oomph into it.

A&E 急诊 19:12 I don’t know how we’re supposed to admit anyone from A&E.

drip (静脉)滴液 19:24 we could pull out the patient’s drips and chunk her out of the window.

peritoneum 腹膜 24:23 through the peritoneum

locum 代班医生 30:08 The locum registrar hasn’t turned up for the night shift.

consultant 会诊医师 31:02 Just a couple more years, then I’ll be a consultant.

paediatrics 儿科 34:58 Tell paeds it’s a 25-weeker with placental abruption

placental 胎盘的

placental abruption 胎盘早期剥离

pre-eclampsia 先兆子痫 35:01 Severe pre-eclampsia

placenta 胎盘 35:08 Placenta’s coming away.

retractor 牵开器 35:59 And retractor in

swab 拭子,棉签 36:53 Swabs,please

haematologist 血液学家 37:15 Can you bleep the on-call haematologist?

onset 疾病的发作 39:10 She was crying severe early-onset pre-eclampsia.

incubator (早产婴儿)暖箱 42:07 you’re not going to knock over the incubator, are you?