第二季始于葬礼;电视里疯狂男子命令人们“Kill all lawyers!“;Trump频频出现在电视 上,今天领养将军肚小猪,明天要带五只羊(five goals)去参加国际会议。有人被枪击,有人拆开信封发现了神秘的白色粉末。整季充斥着死亡威胁和、弹劾、种族纷争和对移民政策的批评,这一季最大的反派就应该是Trump了吧。戴安前半季游离在醉生梦死的状态里,没有战斗的欲望,而一个法官还要求她多笑笑。
You should smile more! I don’t know when it happened that women stopped smiling.
第十三集 Day 492
本集戴安发现自己被监视,疑神疑鬼;卢卡生娃,亲妈与准婆婆剑拔弩张,提到的《逃出绝命镇》(Get Out)和《黑豹》都是经典黑人电影。但这集的重点是致敬水门事件有关电影《总统班底》。本集与All the President's Men的相同点有:


《总统班底》里罗伯特-雷德福扮演的记者伍德沃德与线人Deep throat的联络暗号是阳台上的一面小红旗;本集用了一盆花。



第八集 Day 457

《白宫西翼》(The West Wing,1999)的彩蛋。同框的两位都演过Jed Bartlet的副总统,Tully(Tim Matheson)演VP John Hoynes,Kurt McVeigh(Gary Cole)演VP Bob Russell。塔利问科特:Do I know you?科特回答:I don't think so。笑死。
第七集 Day 450

”Kill All the Lawyers“扑克牌。都是熟面孔。
第六集 Day 443

戴安引用了威尔说过的话:I want a ruling I can appeal!(S1E16 ”Fleas“)

第五集 Day 436
被发现缢死的律师是 Wilk Hobson,戴安说认识他,之前出现在TGW的S2E5 ”VIP Treatment“,S2E10 ”Breaking Up“,以及S4E17 ”Invitation to an Inquest“。

本集虚构的演员Kip Dunning听上去很像汤姆-汉克斯,”全世界最好的演员“什么的,只不过他没有卷入到MeToo丑闻过。汉克斯在情景喜剧《亲密伙伴》(Bosom Buddies,1980)中的角色就叫Kip,《亲密伙伴》中汤姆-汉克斯与Peter Scolari合作。

而Peter Scolari在本集傲骨之战中扮演Greg。
S2E1 Day 408
Diane: Everybody’s dying. I just don’t know what’s going on in the world anymore. I read the news, I watch the news, and it just doesn’t make any sense.
Barbara: Carl Reddick was born when Nazis were marching in the streets, and he died when Nazis were marching in the streets.
S2E2 Day 415
Liz Reddick: Reasonable people should not be allowed near tweets.
Diane: George Orwell wouldn’t know where to start today.
S2E3 Day 422
Marissa to Maia: You can come to my house for Pesach this year. We’ll even hide a few Easter
Melanie to Blake: You didn’t get me drunk, you didn’t drug me, you didn’t hold me down and force yourself on me, and I didn’t say no. But at some point, I lost the ability to say no. And your problem is you’re so sure you’re not one of those guys that you fail to realize that on that day, in that moment, you decided to finish what you thought I had started. You became one of those guys.(真人秀的两个演员)
S2E4 Day 429
Nancy Crozier: I’m just a nice sweet girl from the Midwest act.
S2E5 Day 436
Naomi: You spent that whole class smothering Liz with affection, and I get it, you had a crush. But there were a lot of women in that class who were smart and capable, and they left the lesser.
S2E6 Day 443
Judge Oliver: How is it that so many lawyers are being killed and yet my courtroom is still full of them?
Adrian to the host: Was I angry enough for you?
S2E7 Day 450
Liz: It’s not about truth. It’s about who’s backtracking and who’s attacking.
S2E10 Day 471
Diane: I realized it’s alright that the world is crazy, as long as I make my little corner of the world sane
S2E11 Day 478
Diane: Women aren’t just one thing, and you don’t get to determine what we are.
Adrian: I don’t like to be moved and I am moved. It’s good to be back.