Brian and Justin finally started a relationship, even though it's open. It's amusing that Justin set the rules but is the one who can't stick to them. However, it's natural for Justin, as he is still a young man with changing desires. Brian is still called the king of Babylon, but I think he needs to gain more muscle.

Michael finds another boyfriend, Ben, who is also mature, handsome, and successful, much like David. However, Ben's challenge is that he is HIV positive. HIV positive status and having kids (like David's son) are often deal-breakers for gay men. No wonder perfect guys like them end up with someone like Michael, who is seen as childish.

I have grown more affectionate towards Emmett. Last season, he encouraged Vic to fight for himself, and this season, he gave up money to stand up for his relationship with George. Additionally, he is willing to make porn. I believe he possesses the highest morality.

Lindsay is really endearing for being a responsible and genuine woman.