
但在兒子的證詞中,又理解了導演Justine Triet說的妻子responsible for pushing him to commit suicide,在丈夫最後絕望的求救中,她依然無視了冷漠了,能指望一個想自殺的人多好呢?如果對生活有希望就不會自殺了。最終承受丈夫的死亡的痛苦的還有兒子

"Well, what can I say? It’s the same thing as in life, Who knows the real truth? To me, I think maybe Sandra could be not guilty of murder but responsible for pushing him to commit suicide. Maybe? It’s a question of 'What are we all responsible for in our lives?' The film is opening so many other doors. And in a way, I think, well, she lied two times in the movie. So maybe we can cast doubt on her and say, 'Hmm, is it possible she did do it?', but I don’t want to say that."

Alas what can we say? Intimate relationships suck.