In water makes me ponder the question of what we really see when watching Hong Sang-su’s films. In water, just like any of his recent films, is both specific and abstract. It is specific because it has the virtue of cinema, the focus on materiality. We have to see this film instead of reading it. It is abstract because we are still willing to stare at the screen although the images that we see are blurry. Is the blurry imagery itself another landscape, or what we've seen have been simplified (or more accurately, purified) into the joints, the line of movement and the sounds?


情境:情境经常被友邻用作洪常秀电影的单位,而同样它也经常出现在对于滨口龙介、侯麦等人电影的评论中;但我觉得,洪常秀电影中的情景与后两位以及类似电影人的作品的情境有着显著的不同:第一,it just appears. 在他人的作品中,情境的出现总是需要一系列的铺陈,无论是城市的空镜,或者是漫长的台词prelude;但是在洪常秀的电影中,通常我们会直接看到酒桌上的聊天或者两人坐在沙发上的对话(不是很确定);一切的动作,一切的话语,它们的动因都是纯粹的;或许我们可以开玩笑说,因为它们都是被不经意间拍到的,所以它们是平等的。话语、动作,不再是接下来的话语、动作的戏剧性铺陈。第二是,这些情境从不导向什么,或者说,它不被什么所牵引着,它自己顺着语词的ingredient流向一个地方。
