Her mother had told her she was an accident. How could someone be an accident?

Max had trouble understanding non-verbal signals. Flirting was as foreign to him as jogging. Max found most people very confusing.

healthy body equals a healthy mind.

Unfortunately,In America, babies are not found in cola cans. I asked my mother when i was four, and she said they came from eggs laid by rabbis(拉比:犹太教经师或神职人员). If you aren't jewish, they're laid by catholic nuns天主教修女。 If you're an atheist,they're laid by dirty,lonely prostitutes. So ,this is where babies come from in America.

I am 44 years old and have 8 tracksuits the same color and size. I weigh 352 pounds... and am as tall as a 6–foot tree.

I enjoy entering the lottery. and have chosen the same numbers for 9 years. 。。。。。Are you a winner?Or a loser?

I was born Jewish and used to believe in god. But I've since read many books that have proven God is just a figment of my imagination. People like to believe in god because it answers complicated questions. Like where did the universe come from? Do worms go to heaven.. and why do old ladies have blue hair?

Even though I'm an atheist, i still wear my yarmulke(基帕: 犹太男子戴的圆顶小帽) as it keeps my brain warm.

My fifth job was as a garbage collector. I got to clean up after litterbugs and didn't have to talk to anybody. Sometimes i used to pretend i was an intergalactical robot. One time the police took me in for questioning but let me go. When they decided i wasn't a threat to anybody except myself.

The sixth job I had was for the United States Army in the stationery supply department. Because i'm good with numbers. I had to work out how many how many ballpoint pens the Army needed. one day they did a security check and asked whether i was a member of any radical groups. I told them i was a member of the new york science fiction fan club.They say this didn't count but dismissed me anyway. Fortunately, i did not remember to tell them i was once a communist.

People often confuse me. But i try not to let them worry me. New york is a very busy and noisy place. I would prefer live to somewhere much quieter. like the moon. I don't like crowds, bright lights, sudden noises or strong smells. New york has all these especially the smells. I often wear nose and ear plugs when I go outside. it helps keep me calm.

I find humans interesting but i have trouble understanding them. I think, however, i will understand and trust you. you appear very happy, dnd i think you would smell like a shrimp. as I know australia has a lot of shrimps.

ppps. I have never used a condom.

he counted the stars and wondered how many days, hours, minutes it would take his letter to reach australia.

In your letter , you said you had no friends. well, neither do I.

ps. have you ever been teased? can you help me?

People often think i am tactless and rude. I cannot understand how being honest can be..... improper. Maybe this is why i don't have any friends. Of course, except for you. A real friend has been one of my three goals in life. The other two are to own every Noblet and a lifetime supply of chocolate.

ps. Do not worry about not smiling. My mouth hardly ever smiles.It doesn't. but it does not mean i am not smiling inside my brain.
ppps. Did you know that turtles can breathe through their anuses?

She said (sex) it's when two people go “nuddy”and rub on each other to make babies.

The only companion that had ever warmed Max's bed was his hot water bottle. romance and love was a mysterious language he'd given up on.

If only there was a mathematical equation for love.

but love was not like max's rubik's cube, it could not be solved. And no matter from what angle he analysed it, the results were negative. He felt love, but couldn't articulate it. Its logic was as foreign to him as a salad sandwich. The stars made more sense.

There is one thing i wish i could change, however,I wish i could cry properly.I squeeze and squeeze but nothing comes out. I cry when i cut onions but this does not count.

Mary and max's friendship was resuscitated, and her tears were the best gift he'd ever received.

Although max found solace in mary, He still found the rest of the world bewildering. And he couldn't understand why he was seen as the odd one while everyone else was considered normal. Humans were endlessly illogical. Why did they throw out food when there were children starving in india? Why did they clear the rainforests when they needed the oxygen? And why did they create bus timetables when they never ran on time? He agreed with his favorite physicist that there are only two things infinite the universe and man's stupidity.

love yourself first

It's been hard to watch you become a remnant of the person i once loved. Your research into mental illness has been admirable but your idealistic pursuit to remedy it has been misguided. Mary you have to realise you are not some sort of magic beauty cream you can smooth on the world to rid it of its wrinkles.

when I was just a little girl
I asked my mother, what will i be?
Will i be pretty, will i be rich?
Here's what she said to me...
Que sera sera
Whatever will be will be.
The future's not ours to see.
Que sera sera
Whatever will be will be.

Dear mary.
Please find enclosed my entire Noblet collection as a sign that i forgive you. When i received your book, the emotions inside my brain felt like they were in a tumble dryer smashing into each other. The hurt felt like when i accidentally stapled my lips together. The reason i forgive you is because you are not perfect. You are imperfect , and so am i. All humans are imperfect, even the man outside my apartment who litters. When i was young, i wanted to be anybody by myself. Doctor Bernard Hazelhof said if i was on a desert island, then i would have to get used to my own company. just me and the coconuts. He said i would have to accept myself, my warts and all. and that we don't get to choose our warts. They are a part of us and we have to live with them. We can, however, choose our friends. and i am glad i have chosen you. Doctor Bernard Hazelhof also said that everyone's lives are like a very long sidewalk. some are well paved. others, like mine, have cracks, banana skins and cigarette butts. your sidewalk is like mine but probably not as many cracks. Hopefully ,one day our sidewalks will meet, and we can share a can of condensed milk. You are my best friend. You are my only friend.
Your American penpal ,Max Jerry Horowitz

God gave us relatives, thank god we can choose our friends.