

???? Screen International:第一部《小醜》是一部難得的具有情感色調、成熟主題和真正宏偉感的大片,而這部續集《小醜2》卻未能在節奏上保持一緻。

Where the original Joker remains a stunning exception — that rare blockbuster with emotional shading, grownup themes and a genuine sense of grandeur — this sequel fails to stay on the beat.

???? Variety:《小醜2》可能雄心勃勃,但它隻是一部過于謹慎的續集。

Joker: Folie à Deux may be ambitious and superficially outrageous, but in a basic way it’s an overly cautious sequel.

???? Times :菲利普斯和主創們又回到了那個孤獨的世界......結果這次雜亂無章、毫無新意,完全是一部根本不想存在、也沒有必要存在的電影所呈現的效果。

Phillips and co smashed back into the self-contained world, shook all the contents out on to the carpet and... had another go. The result? Messy, lifeless, derivative and exactly what you’d expect from a film that simply doesn’t want, or need, to exist.

???? IGN Movies:影片被冗長的庭審劇情所拖累,不僅讓耀眼的 Lady Gaga 無法成為焦點,而且影片完全圍繞前作展開,沒有任何新意。

Gets bogged down by a lengthy courtroom saga, which not only keeps the dazzling Lady Gaga away from the spotlight, but centers the movie entirely around its own predecessor, without doing or saying anything new.

???? BBC:影片要麼大膽,要麼自鳴得意,但絕對沒有什麼樂趣可言。

Depending on how you look at it, this demythologising exercise is either daring or it's irritatingly smug, but it's definitely not much fun.


???? Empire Magazine:兩個瘋子之間會有一段甜蜜誘人的音樂浪漫史。 它的怪誕手法并不适合所有類型的漫畫迷,但它找到了一種奇特的、悲劇性的希望。

As sweet and beguiling a musical romance as it’s possible to have between two murderous psychopaths. Its kooky approach won’t suit all stripes of comic-book fan, but it finds a strange, tragic hopefulness all of its own.

???? Hollywood Reporter:Gaga 塑造了一個令人信服的活生生的人物,她在親和力與癡迷之間遊刃有餘,同時又可愛地為 Arthur 打了一針... 他們的音樂表演,無論是二重唱還是獨唱,都充滿了活力,而這正是沉悶的影片所急需的。

Gaga is a compelling live-wire presence, splitting the difference between affinity and obsession, while endearingly giving Arthur a shot... Their musical numbers, both duets and solos, have a vitality that the more often dour film desperately needs.

???? Daily Telegraph (UK):在沖擊力方面無法與第一部相提并論。 但在可怕的暴力緊張感方面卻能與前者相媲美:這是一部讓人感覺随時都可能燃起熊熊烈火的影片。

Folie à Deux can’t quite match its predecessor for dizzying impact. But it matches it for horrible tinderbox tension: it’s a film you feel might burst into flames at any given moment.

???? The Film Stage:這并不是說這部電影有多瘋狂,讓你非看不可(事實上,它的瘋狂之處就在于它并不瘋狂)。而是說,很少有人能像飛利浦和華金-菲尼克斯這樣擁有一個平台,可以如此明目張膽地愚弄大衆的期待。

It’s not that the film is so crazy that you have to see it (in fact, what’s crazy about it is that it isn’t); rather that few have ever had a platform like Philips and Joaquin Phoenix to fool with expectations of the masses so blatantly.


