“this world of crap mortifies the hell out of me and Lumon is the shithole that brainwashes its workers with cult”. 這是看完後我發給朋友的感想,簡而言之,Lumon這家公司太邪教了!簡直是一切矛盾的起源地,攪亂了本來就黑得不見五指的生活。主角的outie(現實生活中的自己)生活平淡無趣,提不起精神。來了一個原是朋友的佩蒂,但他隻帶來了瀕死掙紮,無盡的疑惑顧慮,和四伏的危機。看完第三集後我甚至沒有膽量點開第四集,無形的配樂緊緊扒着劇情,瞌睡的員工眼前粘稠的黑水浸染公司,還有那間休息室。
Helly’s outie videotaped her, saying the unlike her, the innie Helly is not a real human. Thus all decisions should be made by her, including whether to designate from Lumon. It was a warning bell for me, as technology like severance being invented and humans becoming dolphin-like and possessing double brains, are we separated as two? It is true that the two personalities already parted, one with full memory about childhood and adulthood, the other merely nothing but work. One scene particularly attracts me, that Helly stepped into the elevator after getting out of the break room, next thing she knew was the elevator arriving at the basemen of Lumon - a new day has started. It’s like working 24 hours without rest, a tormenting hell.
In the end, Helly hang herself in the elevator, though I question why hasn’t the elevator door closed, the wonder of whether she could be alive outside Lumon hunts me. True, Helly was severed, but her body remains as one, so my intuition tells me that the death is irreversible for both the outie and the innie. (但後來發現她并沒有死,為人類強大的生命力歡呼。。
Helly is like an intruder and a law-breaker, who was hired to restore peace but instead agitate the environment to a more chaotic state. Before her, the sudden runaway of Pede stirs the balance of the office, making everything crisis-ridden for the unnatural and overly rigid workplace.
What kind of organization sets the manager to peek its employer day and night? What kind of company lasts for centuries without disruption? What kind of company biblizes its principles and rules and hangs murals of its funder everywhere? The worship of the corporate culture is becoming religious, as much as religion gives faith in people, it drives people into a frenzy. The break room is a perfect example, as if Lumon employees dedicate in the meaningless refinement work to pay off sins they made in the real world, where they possess absolute no memories in.
不同講述者口中的曆史是截然相反的。圖中一幅畫作出現了兩遍,相同的構圖和繪制,唯一變化的是主動被動兩方的身份。這場屠殺的主使是Optics and Design 還是Macro Data Refinement?抑或是Lumon創造的謊言,為了孤立各個部門?
當Ms. Cassie發現Helly and Mark missing, she panicked and asked them whether they were hurt the second she found them. This may be an indication of the hidden danger inside Lumon, and that the massacre may be lurking somewhere.
另外一個引人入勝的點就是哺育羔羊的男人,《新約》稱耶稣為“上帝的羔羊”(約1:29,36),說他為擔負世人的罪孽而獻身受死。羔羊亦比喻民衆,如《以賽亞書》第40章11節:耶和華“必像牧人牧養自己的羊群,用膀臂聚集羊羔,抱在懷中”。當喂羊人發現Helly and Mark by the door, he was terrified, scolding them away, shouting “don’t take them, they are not ready.” If according to Bible, the lamb here may be a symbol of scapegoat, being killed to make up for the sins humans made. Like in the break room, “除了我,沒有人可以為我的行為贖罪。”
無論是Lumon員工還是管理層,都或多或少會引用Kier的語言,以佐證自己的觀點。我想到了當同性戀剛被媒體抓住大做文章時,反對的人會引用《聖經》,支持的人也會引用《聖經》。在Lumon,Kier就是the higher power, whose words are engraved and passed down. He’s no longer a human being, but a symbol, a character that everybody uses to support their own truth and justice. This is what may happen to a religion, that is, it was created for empowerment, but gradually through centuries of worship, becomes a tool that contradicts itself.
OND部門的Burt在被發現和MDR聯合後立即迎來了退休,雖然歡送會的氣氛十足的喜悅,但正如Irving所說,innies退休就相當于自殺。這種情況下,severance是否創造了一個機器勞動力?這個勞動力存在的意義隻有勞動,而且除了其他的機器,無人知曉存在。一個機器離開又換成另一個,反正大家都不知道自己工作的具體意義,流水線工作多你少你一個又有什麼影響呢!這個機器的消亡與隕落,本體,即outie,無從得知也無從關心。雖然Burt的outie feels satisfied and fulfilled everyday after work, but he doesn’t know a single thing about what he does and how exactly does the innie feel.
As much as Mark feels the sense of deliverance from the death of his wife thanks to Lumon, severance is in fact an escape from real life. The loss of one family member is unbearable for many, but that such life. I know it sounds condescending for I never experienced the loss of one close family member, to sever a new self who holds total ignorance to the reality can’t be the solution to sorrow. And the severed new self may be going through inhumane treatment but the outie has no recognition of, this way the outie creates pain for both selves.
華夫餅派對後面的舞蹈真的像邪教儀式。另外overtime mode開啟後,Mark肯定會認出來他的鄰居是自己上司,好害怕會把辭職的事情搞砸。宏觀數據經檢部門的覺醒是四個人的啟蒙運動,大高個不再盲目崇拜公司邪教,而是開始審視公司和所處環境;小胖子看到了兒子,有了作為父親的認同感,也不像從前那般憤世嫉俗、出口成髒;Helly原先作為一個沖動的抗議者,現在也會制定精細計劃,悄無聲息改變命運;Mark從不情願接任工作,變成了小組的頭,真正地有了擔當。主角妹夫的那本書可以說是他們的精神指導了,知識改變命運(笑