Well, there was this movie I seen one time,

About a man riding 'cross the desert and it starred Gregory Peck.

He was shot down by a hungry kid trying to make a name for himself.

The townspeople wanted to crush that kid down and string him up by the neck.

Well, the marshal, now he beat that kid to a bloody pulp,

As the dying gunfighter lay in the sun and gasped for his last breath.

Turn him loose, let him go, let him say he outdrew me fair and square,

I want him to feel what it's like to every moment face his death.

Well, I keep seeing this stuff and it just comes a-rolling in,

And you know it blows right through me like a ball and chain.

Something about that movie though, well I just can't get it out of my head,

But I can't remember why I was in it or what part I was supposed to play.

All I remember about it was gregory peck and the way people moved,

And a lot of them seemed to be lookin' my way.

Well, I'm standin' in line in the rain to see a movie starring Gregory Peck,

Yeah, but you know it's not the one that I had in mind.

He's got a new one out now, I don't even know what it's about,

But I'll see him in anything so I'll stand in line.

There was a movie I seen one time, I think I sat through it twice.

I don't remember who I was or where I was bound.

All I remember about it was it starred Gregory Peck, he wore a gun and he was shot in the back.

Seems like a long time ago, long before the stars were torn down.