This VCR-made remix from the late 1980s appropriates famous fictional animals from Disney's animated version ofWinnie the Poohand recasts them as characters in Francis Ford Coppola's gritty Vietnam War dramaApocalypse Now.In the new narrative, the beloved Hundred Acre Wood is transformed into a horrific war zone in which Pooh, Piglet, and the rest of the gang struggle to keep their sanity. The humorous and slightly disturbing juxtaposition was an underground viral hit at comic book conventions, and bootlegged copies were passed around and traded on VHS tape. Graham's work, which he called telejusting, differs in some respects from that of later media jammers in that it requires viewers to at least know, if not be a fan of, the original source material. Graham, unlike many political remixers, also managed to create some sympathy for his telejusted cartoon characters.
Apocalypse pooh
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