Normal people是新的一年裡的慰藉,是需要在無數個depressed的時刻捧到手邊溫暖自己的小青燈。記得她說愛情怎麼會是千瘡百孔,可誰又可以天然地是一個圓。瑪麗安和Connell的愛是我心中最敏感,也是最真誠的愛的樣子:I’ve been thinking about New York. The offer. I keep imagining you being there. Writing. 我們是破碎的,在風中哭泣着成長的葉子,是愛爾蘭綿延無垠的綠野中荒蕪的某一片,但是就像我們最後在陰暗的小閣樓裡微笑坦言的那樣:There’s been a lot of stuff that’s been difficult and painful. And this would be difficult and amazing. It’s New York. It’s writing. It’d be fucking amazing. Connell. 我們擁抱着一碰就碎的瓷娃娃,單車騎過巴塞羅那棕灰色的小廣場,你說金錢讓世界變得腐敗又性感,我可以在你獲得Schol和最棒雜志編輯的那一刻在角落裡笑着說聲well done,就像你常常以痛吻我,也永遠報我以歌。You know I love you. And I’m never going to feel the same way for anyone else. 靜靜守護你的夢,所以會一邊流淚一邊鼓勵說:But we have done so much good …for one another. 原來我們都不過是normal people,我們都需要很長時間才能學會自由健康地生活和愛。Let that dogwood blossom. There’ll be hell to pay in heaven. For you take every street home. 是這樣。

You just need to get it straight in your mind

what you think is fair and good in the world.

And if you think that people should be able to go to college

and get English degrees,…

… And go to Europe and look at art

then you shouldn’t feel guilty for yourself.