

《蒼穹浩瀚》第六季暨最終季會接着講述太陽系中重燃的戰火:馬爾科(Marco Inaros)及其麾下的“自由海軍”繼續向地球和火星投擲小行星、引發災難;劍拔弩張之際、重創威脅之下,羅西南迪号的船員們面臨考驗;克裡斯金(Chrisjen Avasarala)再出妙招,派遣前火星海軍陸戰隊員波比(Bobbie Draper)執行秘密任務,試圖力挽狂瀾。與此同時,德魯默(Drummer)與她幸存的家人們從馬爾科身邊叛逃之後,在小行星帶間疲于奔命。在星門之後,某個遙遠的行星上,一股新興力量開始崛起……

11/17:Amazon更新了一至五集的标題、簡介和時長。第六集暫未更新,但按慣例,末集标題總是與書名一樣,即 《巴比倫灰燼 / Babylon Ashes》。時長有可能double(但願吧)。第1集 怪狗 / Strange Dogs

播放時間: 2021-12-10劇情簡介:   The tensions of war threaten to pull the Rocinante crew apart when they make a startling discovery on an asteroid. Avasarala and Bobbie contend with the devastration on Earth as Marco's rocks continue to rain down. In the Belt and on the run, Drummer and her family must make a heartbreaking decision. On Ceres, Marco and Filip's struggles turn inward.時長: 46min

第2集 Azure Dragon

播放時間: 2021-12-17 劇情簡介:  With an unexpected passenger aboard the Rocinante, Holden and crew undertake a dangerous mission that could shift the balance of power in the war. Drummer decides to make an uneasy alliance. Filip wrestles with his guilt.時長:44 min

第3集 Force Projection

播放時間: 2021-12-24劇情簡介:  Avasarala, with the Combined Fleet of Earth and Mars, takes the war to Marco. Filip and Marco's relationship is tested. The war becomes more perilous and personal for Holden and Naomi when the Rocinante is suddenly forced into a battle.時長:43 min

第4集 Redoubt

播放時間: 2021-12-31劇情簡介:  Holden finds himself at odds with his crew when a controversial decision is uncovered. On Ceres, Avasarala struggles to contain an escalating humanitarian crisis. Drummer's growing faction stage a daring raid with dire stakes. Filip, demoted to repair skiff duty, makes an unexpected discovery.時長: 47 min

第5集 Why We Fight

播放時間: 2022-01-07 劇情簡介:  Paths converge on Ceres when Drummer and her fleet arrive to aid the relief effort. Holden tries to convince Avasarala to release crucial information that might avert catastrophe, but she has her own request of him. As Amos and Bobbie get a little R&R at the station, Naomi has a difficult and long-awaited reunion.時長: 48 min

第6集 巴比倫灰燼/Babylon Ashes

播放時間: 2022-01-14 簡介:暫無時長:未知


Q: 請問第五季alex中風死亡是原著中的情節麼?

Q:S5 粒子化飛船沒交代 ?
A: 上一季末消失的飛船是伏筆,再問就劇透了。本季結束前會有交代。

Q:S6E1 片頭小女孩是啥意思,就為了這一集标題怪犬?
A: 小姑娘來自中篇番外《怪狗》。看這架勢是打算把這個小故事給拆散了,分步在每一集中交代一點。繼續期待吧。

Q: S6E1裡面,馬科說弗萊德死了,安德森道斯也死了,但是我印象中道斯并沒有死啊

A:good catch!請注意馬爾科說這話的環境。他不是個尊重科學的人,吹這個牛是想随便打發掉要資源去搞生産的科學家。安德森道斯确實沒死。