原本随便挑的一部打算周末消磨時間的動畫竟然成了我今年為數不多binge-watch的作品。動畫配音陣容2010的時候都還沒現在火,現在看來相當豪華哈哈。作品參雜了一些日漫元素,Nintendo彩蛋,teenage Rock band…故事講的是Scott Pilgram夢中女子Ramona Flower闖入他的現實,一見鐘情的故事。随後Evil League of Exes,Romona的7個前任組成的聯盟,作為沖突點引入了故事,挑戰Scott和Romona的愛戀。當然情節并沒有那麼簡單,Scott被傳送門帶到了不為人知的地方,這時主人公便轉變到了Ramona身上,從7個嫌疑犯ex展開探案的故事。看完的最大感想就是,10年前的我一定也會非常喜歡吧, 果然我還沒有長大哈哈哈。It’s nice to feel young and stupid from time to time.

The girl in Scott's dream

劇透!The mastermind behind the disappearance of Scott was his elder version who was trying to prevent him getting together with Ramona after the elder version’s heartbreak. Scott was married to Ramona for 13 years until they broke up. The reason for the breakup was never explicitly explained, but Scott never tried to fix it. Scott和Ramona是真愛,這個事實被Scott和年長以及更年長的自己相遇時的堅定所證明,也是更年長Ramona質問更年長Scott所表達的真心話。年輕的 Ramona和年長的Ramona其實也是同一個人沒有發生改變,still in love, and sill running away from love。故事的時間線三次被打斷,Ramona and Scott got together. How sweet is that~

Spark = Love

很愛一些奇怪的幻想,一些觸碰不到的夢,一些難以成真的愛戀,being young and stupid is so cool.當然一些情節也很現實,running away from love, disappointing the ones that loves you, reconciling, moving on, and most importantly, starting to love more~


First Date
Elder Ramona帶Scott回去追逐愛情

Btw, Wallace和Scott住在一塊兒被Ramona吐槽是不是sugar daddy笑死了
