过了一遍《Before Sunrise》的台词,摘录了一些喜欢的对话:
Have you heard that as couples get older, they losetheir ability to hear each other?
据说男人会渐渐听不到高音,而女人会渐渐听不到低音Well,supposedly, men lose their ability to hear higher-pitched sounds. And womeneventually lose hearing on the low end.
算是把对方屏蔽了 -算是吧I guess they sort of nullify each other. - I guess.
大自然就是这么让伴侣们不要杀掉对方,厮守到老的Nature'sway of allowing couples to grow old together without killing each other.
Look at my parents.They were these angry, young May'68 people revolting against everything...you know, the government, theirconservative Catholic backgrounds.
I was born not long after.Then my father went on to become
this successful architect and we began to travel all around the world,whilehe built bridges and towers and stuff.
I mean, I really can't complain about anything. Youknow, they love me more than anything in the world. I've been raised with allthe freedom they had fought for. And yet, for me now, it's another type offight. We still have to deal with the same old shit, but we can't really know whoor what the enemy is. I don't know if there really is an enemy. You know?
Everybody's parents fucked them up. Rich kids' parentsgave them too much, poor kids not enough. Um, you know, too much attention, notenough attention. They either left them, or they stuck around,taught 'em thewrong things.
I mean, my parents are just these two people whodidn't like each other very much, who decided to get married and have a kid. Andthey try their best to be nice to me.
你爸妈离婚了吗 -最后离了-
Did your parents divorce? - Yeah, finally.
They should've done it a lot sooner, but they stucktogether for a while for the well-being of my sister and I, thank you verymuch.
I remember my mother once...She told me right in frontof my father, they were having this big fight that he didn't really want tohave me, that he was really pissed off when he found out that she was pregnantwith me, that I was this big mistake. That really shaped the way I think.Ialways saw the world as this place where I really wasn't meant to be.
Well, I mean, I eventually took pride in it, like mylife was my own doing or something,like I was crashing the big party.That's theway to see it.
People can live their whole life as a lie.Mygrandmother, she was married to this man, and I always thought she had a verysimple and uncomplicated love life. But she just confessed to me that she spenther whole life dreaming about another man she was always in love with. She justaccepted her fate. It's so sad. In the same time, I love the idea that she hadthose emotions and feelings I never thought she would have had. I guaranteeyou, it was better that way. If she'd ever got to know him, I'm sure he wouldhave disappointed her eventually.
It's just, people have these romantic projections theyput on everything that's not based on any kind of reality.
你对女性的力量很感兴趣,女性深层次的力量和创造力You areinterested in the power of the woman, in a woman's deep strength andcreativity.
你正在成为这种女人You're becoming this woman.
但你需要接受生活的怪诞But you need to resign yourself to theawkwardness of life.
只有找到自己内心的平静Only if you find peace within yourself
你才能真正与他人建立共鸣will you find true connection with others.
你们都是星尘You're both stardust.
记住Don't forget.
When the stars exploded billions of years ago, theyformed everything that is this world.
我们所知的一切都是星尘Everything we know is stardust.
所以记住你们也是So don't forget you are stardust.
我总是觉得,要是我能甘心接受我的生活注定艰难,没有任何盼头,那我就不会对生活有诸多不满。有了好事,我也更能体会到快乐Ialways think if I could just accept the fact that my life was supposed to bedifficult, that's what's to be expected, then I might not get so pissed offabout it and I'd be glad when something nice happens.
你知道我受不了什么吗 -什么- You know what drives me crazy? - What?
大家都说科技多么好,怎么帮大家节省时间There's all these people talking abouthow great technology is and how it saves time.
But what good is saved time if nobody uses it,if itjust turns into more busy work?
我认为爱情是两个不知如何独处的人逃避孤独的结果Well, I kind of see love as thisescape for two people who don't know how to be alone, you know?
或者更有意思的是, 人们总是说爱是如何的无私奉献, 但如果你仔细想想,爱再自私不过了。Or, you know what's funny? Peoplealways talk about how love is this totally unselfish, giving thing. But if youthink about it, there's nothing more selfish.
So often in my life I've been with people and sharedbeautiful moments like traveling or staying up all night and watching thesunrise, and I knew those were special moments. But something was always wrong.I wished I'd been with someone else.
I knew that what I was feeling, exactly what was soimportant to me, they didn't understand.
但我跟你一起很开心But I'm happy to be with you.
你不会知道为什么这样的夜晚对我现在的生活如此重要You couldn't possibly know why anight like this is so important to my life right now,
但真的很重要but it is.