很自然很让人舒服的一部爱情片。依着随机,自然而然,随遇而安的剧情走向,让然观看起来很舒服,因为这个就是生活。导演的摄像机大概是我们现在所流行的dv机吧,像素不高,但是那种老电影的质感却恰恰符合这个发生在希腊复古浪漫的随意而安流浪的故事,这也可以说明电影真的不用花很多钱去制作,只要你用心,你懂电影,低成本也是可以制作出好电影的,并不需要昂贵的相机,你才能拍一部好电影。也有slow cinema穿插其中吧,特别是多次使用off- screen 男主女主的对话,加上extreme long shot as well as the panning camera shoot in high angle to shoot the way of the bus in the almost whole duration without editing, it is not boring, but it is interesting, I really like it;). The director also likes to use long take, the deep focus. Maybe the fundental media itself is old camera, the color itself is beautiful. The female character is cute, the words she say is lovely and vivid, she is very easy going, and trying to purse something she like, won't pay attention about the common costume. I really like the scene in the film, especially they are in the edge of the coast, beside it is a strong waving flying beyond their heads, and the scene where they are at the peak walking, anyway, anywhere the setting they shot I definetly really perfer. I like this film very much, I will watch this film again.:)
The review of Magnetic Fields
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#HKIFF48 当现场有人问导演如何区分新闻和电影的时候,我可能懂他问得点,因为这部纪录片確实没有那么cinematic ,把电影当作是一个工具来表达自己的目的性太明显,她確实大概不懂电影是什么,所以有点答非所问。但是她的行为我是 ...
@asianfilmawardsacademy bc 《风之城》
第一次看蒙古的片子,director is Mongolia, and produced in Mongolia.是一部关于神的故事,一个男孩的故事,他可以感受神灵,和他其他的生活。导演很喜欢用medium close-up 和 c ...
slow cinema 还是要在影院或者映室看????不然真的会持续不断被催眠,然后暂停。。。这部是睡过去3次之后看完的。是我的问题,太令人惊艳了,最令人惊艳的是爷爷死了之后的一个俯拍establishing shot 的长镜头,因 ...
虽然 孤注一掷 的敘事完全没有逻辑,完全没有说明为什么王大陆一下子突然之间就沈迷於赌博,金晨是大公司的模特就因为误会一下子就被开除了?还是被封杀?然后她突然缺钱了,刚刚还觉得拍大尺度赚钱很可耻转眼间就觉得党赌博主播可以接受,,然后那 ...
The review of Scent of Wind
是一部名副其实的slow cinema, 正中我心怀,在买票之前看到形形色色的电影,一看到这部电影的title,就被深深地吸引,毫不犹豫就决定一定要看这部片子。因为是风呀:) 又是一部自导自演。电影中导演总是喜欢将camera摆得远 ...