摘自2021年12月纽约时报影评 A Portrait of the Cineaste as a Young Man

The story of how a young filmmaker wrests his vocation from a reality that is by turns ridiculous, enchanted, bewildering and tragic.


Sorrentino shares Fellini’s taste for odd, sometimes grotesque human faces and physiques. His most Felliniesque quality, though, may be his commitment to emotional anarchy. Feelings don’t come in neat packages or move in straight lines. Anguish and amusement are neighbors, sometimes even synonyms. Delight swerves into pain. Sarcasm gives way suddenly to earnest sentiment.
索伦蒂诺继承了费里尼对于古怪,有时甚至是荒诞的人脸和体形特征的喜爱,但他最为费里尼的一点,或许还是整部电影中对“情绪混沌”的执着—— 一切情感都不会以清晰完整的方式或线形顺序出现。痛苦与欢愉共存,有时甚至是同义词。欣喜可以急转为苦难,讽刺可以迅速让位为赤裸的感伤。


But I wouldn’t say that this movie is a distraction from reality, any more than I would call it a work of realism. It’s a beautiful tautology: a true-to-life movie about a life made for movies.
