
穷小子三人组,性格鲜明,是典型的Freudian Trio组合:Cristian只玩乐不工作,与他对应的Nadia只工作不玩耍,受限于宗教和家庭,极大地克制欲望,Samu居于两者之间,在一些事情上能够脚踏实地,最突出的是定下九万这个勒索数字,非常便于操作,可惜Nano没听。

与穷小子三人组的Freudian Trio对应,富家子弟们构成的梗是五人乐队(Five-Man Band):Guzman是小团队中的The Leader;Polo是助攻,The Lancer;Ander是The Big Guy,因为他的网球运动员人设;Lucrecia是The Smart Girl;Carla是小妞,The Chick,最后变身女王主持大局。Marina在这个组合里,可以看作机动第六人,The Sixth Ranger,游骑兵。
三个富家女分别是金发、粟色头发和红发,构成了Blonde, Brunette, Redhead的梗。这个梗也很常见,如欲望都市四人组、绝望主妇四人组的发色组成,还有美版的无耻之徒,老Ga家三个女儿:差点和老弗兰克乱伦的大女儿萨米是金发,含辛茹苦的Fiona是深色头发,黛比是红发。
Blonde, Brunette, Redhead这个梗仅是视觉效果上的搭配,不代表人物的性格和智识。
但是,还有一个梗叫Brainy Brunette,名校这部剧里很明显了,两个学霸Lu和Nadia都是深色头发。因为刻板印象上看,金发往往无脑,红发脾气暴躁,所以深色头发只能去负责头脑。想想电视剧里那些聪明的女人是什么颜色的头发:生活大爆炸Amy,《识骨寻踪》女主骨头博士Brennan,识骨寻踪其他女性角色也都是同一类型,绯闻女孩布莱尔-沃道夫,赫敏,《吸血鬼日记》的埃莲娜和邦妮,等等。
Carla是Carl这个名字的女性版,Carl=Free man。
Guzman=Good man。
Ander=Robust, virile, brave, fighter and sportsman,强壮的,有活力的,勇敢的,战士和运动员。
E1 · Bienvenidos(Welcome to)
Happy Man / JUNGLE【Samuel, Nadia and Christian arrive at Las Encinas】
París / ZAZO & GXURMET, VEGA ALMOHALLA【Ander smoking and creating a profile in a dating app.】
Right Now / KOSTROK【Samuel, Nadia, Christian and Ander arrive at the party.】
El Momento / LA CASA AZUL【Party montage.】
I'll Trust the Wind / THE PRIMITIVES【Samuel, Nadia and Christian taking pictures with Marina's dad.】
Drive Fast / ED IS DEAD【Christian and Carla sex scene.】
Tú por Mi / CHRISTINA Y LOS SUBTERRANEOS【Samuel decides to return to school.】
Final Feliz / DANNA PAOLA【end of year party】

Danna Paola是Lu的扮演者,本人是墨西哥的歌手和演员。
E2 · Deseo(I want)
Hundred Miles (feat. Gabriela Richardson) / YALL【Marina dancing while Samuel is filming her; opening credits.】

Te Miro (feat. D3llano) / ZAZO & GXURMET, VEGA ALMOHALLA【Marina checking out Nano's profile; Omar texts Ander; Carla and Christian write each other messages.】
Feelings / RUSH WEEK【Marina and Samuel are working in Marina's living room.】
Bailar / FINESSE, BNMP, GIRL ULTRA, CRUZ CAFUNÉ, ELLEGAS【Carla and Christian go outside to the pool.】
Forever Young / YOUTH GROUP【At the end.】
E3 · Sábado Noche(Saturday Night)
You Are Gold (A Song for Pretty in Pink) / CARLOS BAYONA, OBLIQUE【Samuel and Omar inviting their friends to the party. Marina accepts Samuel's invitation.】
Humo y Alcohol (Feat. Jerv.AGZ & C. Tangana) / STICKY M.A.【Nano, Samuel, Christian and Omar preparing the drinks for the party.】
Fiebre / BAD GYAL【Marina arrives at the party.】
Chacal - Remix By Slowbody / LIZZ, SLOWBODY【Ander arrives at the party and Samuel "introduces" him to Omar. Omar and Ander kissing in the bathroom.】
The Drums (Din Daa Daa) [feat. George Kranz] / CLAPTONE【Samuel pukes on Marina's clothes.】
Back2Back - Original Mix / SEVEN MOONBlow - Original Mix / UNDERHER【Guzman talks to his sister Marina at the party.】
Dark Souls / UNDERHER【Marina and Guzman are talking at the party.】
Boom Shaka / MUZI【Ander asks for more pills to Omar which leads to an argument between them, Guzman and Christian.】
Antes de Morirme (feat. Rosalía) / C. TANGANA【Marina and Nano sex scene.】
Mar el poder del mar / DELAFE Y LAS FLORES AZULES【Nadia swims in the pool and Guzman joins her.】
Strained Are We (Original Mix) / UNDERHER【Threesome between Christian, Carla and Polo.】
E4 · El Amor es una Droga(Love is a Drug)
Nightfall / BLACK LILYS【Marina is listening to music when Samuel approaches her with a "time machine". Nadia approaches Guzman to give back the gift he left in her locker.】
Oh Honey Sweet / THE PRIMITIVES【Christian wears a tailor made suit by Carla's tailor.】
So Good / DANNA PAOLA【Lu arrives at the party.】
Stranger Danger / RUSH WEEK【Samuel arrives at the party.】
My Baby’s Just A Baby (But I Love Him So) / KNICKERS【Ander and Omar kissing in the wine cellar.】
That Way Again / MAZZY STAR【Nadia and Guzman talk in the hall before class.】
E5 · Todos Mienten(Everyone Lies)
Her Lies / ASAF AVIDAN, THE MOJOS【Nano argues with Samuel and tells him to mind his own business.】
Lo Que No Sabes / DANNA PAOLA【Lu arrives at Guzman's house and tries to seduce him.】
Gooey / GLASS ANIMALS【Threesome between Christian, Carla and Polo.】
Where Did the Love Go? / FEM 2 FEM【Ander and Omar kiss in the gay bar.】
Los Amigos Que Perdí / DORIAN【Marina smoking pot and after that passes out in the locker room. Ander is playing Tennis.】
I Should Live in Salt / THE NATIONAL【Samuel and Marina sex scene.】
Overgrown / JAMES BLAKE【Nadia and Guzman are talking on the stairs.】
E6 · Todo Va a Salir Bien(Everything is going to be fine)
Malamente / ROSALÍA【Opening. Samuel reads the news about Marina's father's arrest.】
Overgrown / JAMES BLAKE【Nadia asks Guzmán what music he is listening to.】
Mala Mujer / C. TANGANA【Christian's photo shoot scene.】
Heaven Only Knows / BOB MOSES【Christian and Polo have oral sex.】
E7 · Todo Estalla(Everything Bursts)
I Don't Believe In Love / THE SCHOOL【Ander and Omar sex scene.】
I Want To Die By Your Side / THE MAGIC THEATRE【Nadia convinces her parents to cancel the tea with Omar's supposed future wife.】
E8 · Assilah
Forever / CHVRCHES【Lu walks away from Guzman crying; Christian slips booze into the prom drinks; Carla asks Christian to break into Marina's locker and steal the backpack.】
Final Feliz / DANNA PAOLA【Samuel tries to convince Guzman to go talk to Marina.】
I Hear The Day Has Come / MATT MALTESE【Nano finds Marina dying near the pool.】