The last 782 days of my life have been something I would never wish upon any human being. I have lost my dignity. I have lost my sense of self. I have lost my career paths, friends, peace of mind, safety, sense of joy in sexuality. But most of all, I have lost my faith in this, the law, the system I believed would protect me. It was the system I dedicated my life to. I am not getting anything of this. I am just doing this to protect other women.
The law of sexual assault, it spines on the wrong axis. A woman's experience of sexual assault, it does not fit the male-defined system of truth. So it cannot be the truth, and therefore, there cannot be justice. The law has been shaped by generations and generations of men.
Now I see from my own experience that we have got it all wrong when it comes to sexual assault. We don't interrogate the law's own assumptions, instead we persist on interrogating the victims. The law is an organic thing, it is defined by us. It is constructed by us, in light of our experiences. All of ours, so there are no excuses any more. It must change because the truth is that one in three wowen are sexually assaulted and their voices, they need to be heard, they need to be believed in order for justice to be done. One in three wowen. Look to your left. Look to your right. It's one of us.
The legal system, it made me look like a liar. The legal system, it feels faulty and mixed up. The legal system, it feels broken. Look to your left. Look to your right. I am broken, too. But I am still here. And I will not be silenced. I don't know what to cling to, how to stand, how to walk out of this courtroom, how to leave this building. All that I know is that somewhere, some time, somehow, something has to change.
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