
《火山挚恋》Fire of Love


Both Katia and I got into volcanology because we were disappointed about humanity. And since a volcano is greater than man, we felt this is what we need. Something beyond human understanding.

Katia and Maurice began to learn the secrets of the planet that few others know.

Understanding is love’s other name.


Volcano classifications should be banned. You can’t classify a volcano. Each has a unique personality. Not to be mean, but it’s the old beards and academics who classify things, forcing a whole generation to use their models. There is no truth in this. It’s better to study each volcano separately and avoid abusive classifications.

Photography is a mean of remembering, revisiting, stretching their time with volcanos.

It’s true that we’re like travelling performers. Volcano runners. We live by the rhythms of the earth. And the Earth decides where we go next.

We contemplate, lying at the edge of the abyss. The phenomenon, relentless, makes us shiver.

I imagine the spectacle of us seen from above: a ridiculous column of tiny ants climbing up the back of the giant beast and saying in arrogance:” I climb upon you to understand you, to tear your thousand-year-old secrets from you, so that science can progress!” How great is the ambition and vanity of man?

We try to bear witness to this force, but the human eye cannot see in geologic time. Our lives are just a blink compared to the life of a volcano.

It’s not that I flirt with death, but at that moment, I don’t care at all. A fascination with danger? Perhaps.

There is the pleasure of approaching the beast, not knowing if it will catch you.

We have this one short life, then we return to the ground.


Maybe you need a certain philosophy of existence to take on these volcanic monsters. Mine is elementary. I prefer an intense and short life to a monotonous, long one. A kamikaze existence in the beauty of volcanic things.

I always like to do what people forbid me to do.

I don’t mean to be philosophical, but is was Nietzsche who said:” A fool is someone who has lost everything but his reason.”
