emo的时候上这种猛药直接泪流满面了。如果没有最后的悲剧大概这又是一部Free Solo…上次引起这么大的情绪波动大约是2012年严冬冬的山难吧。

很长一段时间我的签名是Brave New World里的一句“I want poetry, I want real danger, I want freedom.” 但是自己知道自己对风险的承受终归有个底限。虽然深知阿式登山的极致纯粹和自由却一直心生恐惧不敢触碰,一直只敢于跟着商业队在低风险区域打转。这几年一直在想为了自由能做到什么程度,底限又在哪里。“A lot of us live our lives thinking of the things we’d like to do, or the adventures we’d like to have, but we hold back. That’s what really stands out to me about Marc-André’s journey. What is it that you would do if you were able to overcome the things you see as limitations or the things you’re afraid of? What would you do?”

虽然只有25年的人生,Marc-André 从幼年起就由母亲引导自由地探索这个美好危险而破碎的世界;体验过阿式登山物理层面和哲学层面的极致自由;也深深爱过,拥有过一个一同舞蹈山巅的灵魂伴侣。这大概是很多人八九十载的人生求而不得的奢望了。
