Nicole's Letter to Henry: I fell in love with him two seconds after I saw him. And I'll never stop loving him, even though it doesn't make sense anymore.


这部惊艳到我的作品是2019年上映的,当时可能因为Joker小丑的光芒太过耀眼让我错过了此部佳作。主演是亚当·德赖弗与斯嘉丽·约翰逊,the emotional connection is the real structure 夫妻之间的情感连结即是这部电影的架构。



电影的开始,两个人互相用书信的方式叙述 Why I do him/ her? 那时候我就知道,这一次我躲不掉了。太温柔了,声、画、音皆是。在离婚之前写下这些文字: Nicole is “brave” and “a great dancer” and “knows when to push me and when to leave me alone,” and Charlie is “a great dresser, never looks embarrassing, which is hard for a man.” 果然是被预测到的首尾呼应,这就是全片中最戳中我泪点的一个伏笔。Director Baumbach is totally a master of writing naturalistic dialogue.


An incisive and compassionate portrait of a marriage breaking up and a family staying together. 我能够去拉片,一字一句分析视听语言,因为显而易⻅地Nicole是弱势方而 Charlie是强势方,自私、出轨、吵架时候解决事情的态度都能证明...这些例子都 是豆瓣前几的影评里的核心。但我想抛开这些,谈谈20岁的我初看这部电影里被感 动到的元素,阅历尚浅,求多指教。


首先是,拥抱与真心的Congratulations. 美式的婚姻总是这般相敬如宾,纵使下一秒就要递交离婚协议书了,Nicole在祝贺Charlie拿奖的时候眼睛里的真诚与发自内心的 祝贺是掩盖不了的;Charlie对律师说,I love her family, we don’t want to go to court. 即使是离婚,双方请了各自的辩护律师,他也在保留最后的温存,他是爱 Nicole的,他根本没想到妻子会离开;Nicole在Charlie发疯一般地蹲在地上的时候, 面对那样绝情的Everyday I wake up and I hope you're dead! 她过了几秒就去摸着他的头,Charlie失去理智之后呢喃着说Sorry的样子,这一幕是心碎的,是崩溃的,是太精湛的演绎。





是的,我不认为世间单纯、甜蜜的爱才是爱的唯一形式。我有幸在18岁谈过纯粹的 恋爱,足以。后来,当尝遍恋爱里的酸甜苦辣,我才明白什么是真实,并且我更倾向于后者,未来与我相伴一生的人,想必也需要真正地与我经历诸多事情,我想有人并 肩,想有人相互扶持,去共度再大的⻛浪。

我经历过下述的一切: Nicole和Charlie发疯般的争吵,那种伤痕累累,互相挑选对方最痛的地方攻击,发狂之后的拥抱; Nicole那种为了爱人的忍让与憋屈,生活里太 多的琐屑慢慢累积,最终击垮了她;彼此濒临分别时候,说再⻅的时候,对着最熟悉的人欲言又止的模样...


但最后Nicole说 I'll never stop loving him,无数次崩溃以后,我们说:“和好吧。” 在我以年为单位的恋爱里,那种彼此痛苦的磨合,那种分离又相聚,那句...我还是离不开你。


????第一层: 注意摄影的构图,导演设计的人物位置。Charlie给Henry念信,念着念着开始啜泣,这时候Nicole站在房⻔口。

????第二层: 一年之后,Charlie去UCLA,终于来到了洛杉矶,可是Nicole有了新男友, 曾经没有珍惜的人终究是失去了,这是影评的核心,详情⻅豆瓣高分赏析。

????第三层: 最后的Ending Scene,当Nicole弯腰给Charlie系上鞋带时,让Charlie在自己的night多带一天孩子,这是和解。我印象很深的是首尾呼应,是有爱的,哪怕遍 体鳞伤也是有爱的。

We call it love. We name it Marriage story.

或许我是乐观的,我是感性的。18年我在 知乎上写道,别人大学毕业才异国恋,我高二结束就开始异国了。在婚姻里才要去磨合的事情,有一小部分在我四年的恋爱里过早地体会到了。这可能就是我爱情观的形成与大部分同龄人不同的原因,才能赋予我敏锐的认知去感悟这段亲密关系极致的 残酷与温柔。

I am going to write to you as always. 以字⻅面,这是一种更加克制的方式。

Shall we dance me to the end of love?

My Charlie. My new life has started, but, I will always remember what we have experienced.



????We have to prepare to go to court, hoping we don't go to court.

????Criminal lawyers see bad people at their best, divorce lawyers see good people at their worst.

????Let’s face it, the idea of a good father was only invented like 30 years ago. Before that, fathers were expected to be silent and absent and unreliable and selfish, and can all say we want them to be different. But on some basic level, we accept them. We love them for their fallibilities, but people absolutely don’t accept those same failings in mothers. We don’t accept it structurally and we don’t accept it spiritually. Because the basis of our Judeo- Christian whatever is Mary, Mother of Jesus, and she’s perfect. She’s a virgin who gives birth, unwaveringly supports her child and holds his dead body when he’s gone. And the dad isn’t there. He didn’t even do the fucking. God is in heaven. God is the father and God didn’t show up. So, you have to be perfect, and Charlie can be a fuck up and it doesn’t matter. You will always be held to a different, higher standard. And it’s fucked up, but that’s the way it is.

还有一些点可以去思索:比如说director与actress之间的关系,其实想成为导演的我 是必须要去关注这个话题的,平衡事业与家庭是永恒的命题;为什么那么多电影里 have sex with others 都可以冰释前嫌,比如爱在三部曲,廊桥遗梦等等... Nora Fanshaw上面大段的引文更加需要我们去思考how to judge what’s a good father / what’s a good mother and so on.