今年圣丹斯电影节参赛片, 本片也是导演阿奈尔·卡里亚 (Aneil Karia)剧情长片处女作, 本·卫肖 (Ben Whishaw)主演。
小本本这次扮演一个平庸的男人Joseph, 他在机场当保安。。日常站在安全金属探测门前帮旅客进行人工检查。。每天与形形色色的过客打交道,工作繁琐而沉重。。。与此同时,他孤僻、无友、离群索居。。公寓环境喧闹、Joseph在同事间毫无存在感、父母对其淡漠、生活无味。。。他有个要金属、玻璃等硬质物体怪异的习惯。。。

Karia says of his protagonist:
“Though Joseph might seem to be a unique case, I hope that his story is speaking to something much more universal. Now more than ever it feels like we have had enough of surface-existence and are yearning for a deeper more present experience of the world. I hope watching this film feels like a visceral and meaningful trip.”

The viewer cannot help wondering whether Joseph will become a new version of Travis Bickle, the Joker or Falling Down’s D-Fens. The answer ==> ‘none of the above’ as Joseph he starts on a crime spree while passers-by completely ignore him. Karia does not intends to condemn the indifference of city dwellers, but conduct a wake-up call to a world full of anger that no one gets agitated when they run into an intimidating wacko who laughs maniacally and makes ugly faces.
