因為同時看了原著和電影,現在兩者已在頭腦裡混合,并生産加工出一部各取所長的完美版本,導緻本來就不客觀的評價更加不客觀了。前兩天去逛了舊金山的垮掉派博物館(The Beat Museum),專門關注了一下巴勒斯的部分,也确實獲得了一些新東西。本文為一些背景信息和解讀的分享,如果對我的影評和書影評感興趣,可以點以上兩個鍊接閱讀。
Lee其實是巴勒斯(William S. Burroughs)的母姓,他甚至用這個名字出版過作品,所以Queer的主角William Lee相當于是原封不動的他自己。這個故事,以及巴勒斯的另一本代表作Junky,其實是根據他和Lewis Marker現實生活中的關系改編的,如果把小說和他的書信和日記并排對比的話,會發現他除了改動名字之外并沒有編造太多内容。
電影的開頭有一幕畫面是巴勒斯寫給Lewis Marker的詩,描寫了他(在自我視角下)一廂情願的、絕望的愛與付出,内容如下:
To M.
I gave you all I had.
I got no stash left.
Kick this one cold.
You can't turn me on.
You got a route different from mine.
You can't fix me if you want to.
I let it happen like I let the habit happen.
I knew it would hurt.
I didn't care.
O.K. So you won't.
So you can't.
Nothing to come down with.
Kick it cold.
I won't be sick forever.
Muscles twitch to rest.
The gut unknots and turns over.
"I'm hungry"
Some habits take your gut along on the way out
Like a mushroom bullet.
So I'm cured so I'm off.
Where can I go alone?
What I got left to take anywhere?
I gave it all to you, You never wanted it.
You never asked me anything.
It was my idea.
You say I got no grounds to complain.
Maybe not. I don't know.
Brought it on myself.
I guess I did.
I'm no accidental citizen walking down Accident Street And a brick falls on his sconce.
I'm no Innocent Bystander bystanding when the riot starts.
Lacted the only way I could act.
I end up nowhere with nothing.
Please don't lecture me because you are lucky and I'm not.
Please don't hurt me so I can't help wanting to hurt you.
At least wish me luck.
And let me stay ready to help you any way I can.
P.S. It looks like he won't even wish me luck or say good-bye.
電影中最令觀衆費解的部分大概是第三章節中的現代舞,在我看來那段的視覺很有畫家Francis Bacon的風格。英國畫家Francis Bacon是同名英國哲學家近親的後代,擅長描繪尖銳、狂暴、扭曲、噩夢般的畫面。巴勒斯和Bacon在五十年代由艾倫金斯堡介紹相識,因為他覺得兩人的藝術風格很相近,當時巴勒斯剛由于誤殺妻子的風波出逃,而Bacon正處于一段災難性的不健康關系中。巴勒斯評價兩人的異同點:“Bacon and I are at opposite ends of the spectrum. He likes middle-aged truck drivers and I like young boys. He sneers at immortality and I think it’s the one thing of importance. Of course we’re associated because of our morbid subject matter.”
飾演Allerton的演員Drew Starkey也在訪談中提到導演瓜達尼諾拍攝時參考了Bacon的畫作。
另一個有趣的點是電影中使用了兩首半Nirvana的歌曲,電影開頭Sinéad O‘Connor翻唱版的All Apologies、李與阿勒頓相遇時的Come As You Are,以及兩人在餐廳吃飯時點唱機裡播放的Marigold。這個時空交錯的設置可能會讓人感到困惑,事實上Nirvana的主唱科特柯本一直很仰慕巴勒斯,并在1993年見到了他的偶像,兩人合作了一張單曲專輯The 'Priest' They Called Him,其中巴勒斯以monotone朗讀,而柯本彈奏不協和的吉他噪音。