social media isn't a tool waiting patiently for its owners, they are things good at......
- Grabbing attention as much as possible (using human psychology of addiction and human nature of socializing and caring about other's opinion) so that they can predict who we are, selling certainty to the advertisers, i.e. real customers;(剝奪人們有限而寶貴的注意力,吸收數據從而預測人格,把确定性販賣給廣告商)
- manipulating behaviors and perceptions in a gradual slight imperceptible way(從細微處控制了人們的思想和行為),and as it digs deeper and deeper into the brain stem, it takes over kids' sense of self-worth and identity. This is real power because of its undetectability.
- Amplifying exponential gossip and hearsay to the point that people don't know what's true, no matter what issue we care about. This brings out the worst side of a society which causes an existential threat, not as an individual but as a society. For instance, crumbled democracy is one of their vices. (ps: false information spreads 6 times faster than the true one )