第一集:在謝頓的陰影之下(In Seldon's Shadow)
導演:Alex Graves 編劇:David S. Goyer & Jane Espenson
1. 背景/時間點:
1)It had been 173 years since the Foundation had been exiled to Terminus. And just like Synnax, the dark waters were now rising everywhere. 距離第一基地被放逐到終點星已過去173 年。就像辛納克斯星一樣,暗流如今到處在上漲。
2)As waters rise, territories shrink. That's what happened on Synnax, and that's what happened with Empire. Day by day, decade by decade, the First Foundation nibbled away planets from edges of Empire. And Empire steadily contracted. 随着水位上升,領地也在縮小。這是辛納克斯星上發生的事情,也是帝國發生的事情。日複一日,年又一年,第一基地在帝國邊緣蠶占着行星。帝國在萎縮。
3)上一季的Brother Day是Cleon 12th ,這一季是Brother Day Cleon 17th
2. 主要情節
1) Brother Day Cleon 17th 和Demerzel在bedding——被Blind Angels攻擊——Brother Day和Demerzel打敗Blind Angels,但不清楚是誰派來的,Brother Day展開調查,甚至不放過Brother Dawn和Brother Dusk
2) Queen Sareth of Cloud Dominion & Enjoiner Rue來到川陀
3) 帝國發現第一基地的繁榮,打算展開調查
3. 問題點
1) Blind Angels來自何處?
2) Day和Dawn & Dusk的沖突:Day覺得自己是獨立的個體(singular soul),打算結婚生子;Dawn & Dusk反對婚姻,支持克隆
3) 新角色Queen Sareth of Cloud Dominion:She engineered the accident that put the crown on her head. 她策劃了一場事故,将王冠戴在了頭上。臨時新娘(provisional bride)的身份
3)Day和Demerzel結合(decent or not)
The Foundation had flourished, but a flourishing Foundation posed a threat. How long would it be before Empire thrashed like a drowning man? 第一基地蓬勃發展,但也構築了威脅。還要多久,帝國就會像溺水者一樣翻騰而來?
Warden Jaegger Foun
三、母女線(Gaal Dornick & Salvor Hardin)
1. 主要情節:母女相認——看到第二次危機——打算離開辛納克斯星
Gaal Dornick預示未來
Salvor Hardin 讀心?
四、謝頓線(Hari Seldon)
被Gaal Dornick困在The Prime Radiant裡——癫狂——發現——走出
The Prime Radiant: I'll explain more if you can meet me in Oona's world.