
E1 Hope is the Thing with Feathers

“Hope” is the thing with feathers - / “希望”長着羽毛-

That perches in the soul - / 栖居于靈魂-

And sings the tune without the words - / 吟唱着無詞的曲調-

And never stops - at all - / 從不停息-


And sweetest - in the Gale - is heard - / 風暴中-它的歌聲-最為甜美-

And sore must be the storm - / 風暴必會帶來苦痛-

That could abash the little Bird / 會令小鳥驚慌困窘

That kept so many warm - / 而鳥兒卻帶來溫暖如斯-


I’ve heard it in the chillest land - / 我曾在最荒涼的陸地聽到它的歌聲-

And on the strangest Sea - / 也曾在最陌生的大海中聽到-

Yet - never - in Extremity, / 縱然-身處-絕境,

It asked a crumb - of me. / 它也不會向我 - 索取絲毫關愛。



本集年輕人将開戰後的現狀形容為“New normal“,很容易讓人聯想到當下,開場姨媽的潦草葬禮也像是去年死亡率較高時的慘狀,死神都覺得不忍心。通過狄金森的詩鼓勵人們不要失去希望,是本劇很可愛的一種嘗試。

E2 It Feels a Shame to be Alive


上季的Nobody,現實中确有其人的Fraser Sterns再次出現,艾米莉贈他這首作為幸存者的内疚之詩。

It feels a shame to be Alive - / 幸存是一種恥辱 -

When Men so brave - are dead - / 當那麼勇敢的人們 - 死去 -

One envies the Distinguished Dust - / 羨慕出類拔萃的塵土 -

Permitted - such a Head - / 接納了 - 他們的頭顱 -


The Stone - that tells defending Whom / 石碑 - 記載了這位斯巴達勇士

This Spartan put away / 為了保衛誰而戰死沙場

What little of Him we - possessed / 我們何曾具備他的 - 一分一厘

In Pawn for Liberty - / 為自由典當 -


The price is great - Sublimely paid - / 代價高昂 - 崇高地付出 -

Do we deserve - a Thing - / 我們是否 - 當得起 -

That lives - like Dollars - must be piled / 用衆多生命 - 銅闆一樣地 - 堆積 -

Before we may obtain? / 方可換來的任何東西?


Are we that wait - sufficient worth - / 枯坐等待的我們 - 是否配得上

That such Enormous Pearl / 那碩大珍珠般的

As life - dissolved be - for Us - / 生命 - 在猶如恐怖的碗 - 的戰場上 -

In Battle’s—horrid Bowl? / 為了我們 - 消溶殆盡?


It may be - a Renown to live - / 幸存也許是 - 一種殊榮 -

I think the Man who die - / 我認為死去的人們 -

Those unsustained - Saviors - / 是沒有教義支撐的 - 救世主 -

Present Divinity - / 彰顯神性 -


E3 The Soul has bandaged Moments


The Soul has Bandaged moments -

When too appalled to stir -

She feels some ghastly Fright come up

And stop to look at her -


Salute her, with long fingers -

Caress her freezing hair -

Sip, Goblin, from the very lips

The Lover - hovered - o'er -

Unworthy, that a thought so mean

Accost a Theme - so - fair -


The soul has moments of escape -

When bursting all the doors -

She dances like a Bomb, abroad,

And swings opon the Hours,


As do the Bee - delirious borne -

Long Dungeoned from his Rose -

Touch Liberty - then know no more -

But Noon, and Paradise


The Soul's retaken moments -

When, Felon led along,

With shackles on the plumed feet,

And staples, in the song,


The Horror welcomes her, again,

These, are not brayed of Tongue -


本集出現的另一首小詩,是這首”Is it true, dear Sue?“。

Is it true, dear Sue?

Are there two?

I shouldn't like to come

For fear of joggling Him!

If I could shut him up

In a Coffee Cup,

Or tie him to a pin

Till I got in –

Or make him fast

To "Toby's" fist –

Hist! Whist! I'd come!

【當艾米莉-狄金森的哥哥和嫂子兼好友蘇在1861年生下他們的第一個孩子Ned時,詩人送上這首小詩作為禮物。”Are there two?“的意思不太明确,是否是在詢問雙胞胎的可能?也可能是隻有她們之間才懂的一個玩笑,但two絕對是與Sue押韻的詞。詩人擔心會摔到孩子,所以想知道能不能綁住孩子或把他放入一個容器,或者趕快送給貓。詩作整體風格诙諧有趣。】


艾米莉-狄金森經常在書信裡将自己男性化,稱自己為”Uncle Emily“或”Brother Emily“。這裡還對孩子提起了“Bumblebee”,海莉曾出演過的電影《大黃蜂》。


本集出現了另外兩個真實存在過的人,一是美國南北戰争期間與狄金森保持通信的希金斯上校,名字第一次出現,艾米莉曾在信中對他說,“War feels to me an oblique place”。


貝蒂幫助的不識字的黑人女性,是索傑納-特魯思(Sojourner Truth)。