The story focuses on an English butler for a high officer. It is set on a time full of conflicts: an employee devoted to his master but the master was despised by the public because he was the one who put the country into WWII as per the newspaper depicted. A son who hired his father as his subordinate and couldn't take care of his dad when he was on duty. A man never reveals his feelings although he likes the housekeeper. A person served the high class but is treated as a lower class who can’t understand the topics the officers discussed but he is proud of his position.

As per the Cliff’s note, below are the themes discussed in the book:

History and Politics
Retrospection and Regret
Dignity and Greatness
Class Difference and Social Change
Role-Playing and Authenticity

For myself, I separate my life from the job I take. Being professional is far away from devoting my life to the job. My boss and I are morally equal. The job is just a job.

The tragedy of Mr Stevens still happens nowadays, to those who work long hours, take jobs as their hobby, bury themselves in emails. This movie or book is about modern people’s life, a discussion of the 996 lifestyle.