第22屆DokuFest科索沃國際紀錄片和短片電影節将于8月4日至12日在科索沃普裡茲倫市舉行,中國導演王雪琪執導電影短片作品《醉舟》(國際片名:Drunken Boat)入選2023DokuFest 國際短片競賽單元,同時該片成為第22屆DokuFest唯一入選中國電影短片,本片由「香莢蘭Vanilla」代理國際發行。

《醉舟》導演/編劇 王雪琪

導演王雪琪對《醉舟》(國際片名:Drunken Boat)的闡述:

Drunken boat wasborn during China's Covid-19 lockdown.The succession of shocking news made me realised the fragility of modern life. Meanwhile I discovered an absurdity: for a long time, people shared the illusion that we could live forever to work for material satisfaction. It is like a galloping train full of revellers. Once the train halts, no one can tell where they are or where they go. With Drunken Boat, I am trying to capture the spiritual confusionofmodern Chinese.

醉舟 誕生于新冠封鎖期間。震撼性新聞接連發生,使我感受到現代生活脆弱性的同時,發現了一種荒謬:長久以來,人們共同分享着一種幻象,為了物質滿足我們奔波勞碌如同可以永生。就像一列疾馳的火車載滿了狂歡的人群,當火車突然刹車時,沒人知道該去向何處。我試圖用醉舟展現這種精神危機。


DokuFest曆年來入圍華語電影包括邱陽執導的劇情短片《小城二月》(A Gentle Night)《南方少女》(She Runs)、美籍華裔導演王男栿執導的紀錄片《獨生之國》(One Child Nation)、鄒靜執導短片《朵麗》(Lili Alone)。