
“Some people cry, some people drink, some people write shit poetry. I hurt people. Might as well put it to good use.”

電影預告中女主 Lindy (Kate Beckinsale) 無法抑制自身暴力沖動的女性。。。她在影片中找到了與他人産生情感關聯、克服心理障礙的方式。 .

Lindy aka Jolt 在一次義警行動中找到的謀殺Justin (Jai Courtney) 。。。的真兇。令人尴尬的是 Lindy 冒着生命危險展開報複行動,然而Justin 并不是她的藍朋友(他們隻約會了兩次)。。就連調查罪案的警探講 “在這城裡約會并說明不了問題, 你最終會找到你的真命天子。。。然後。。。boom.... two bullets to the brain.”


與此同時, Jolt 與心理障礙以及殘障群體交往, as technology improves, adapting treatments when our bodies become impervious, and feeling like ‘regular’ everyday experiences, are inaccessible. 當然Jolt 也利用電擊抑制其對惡人實施暴力的沖動 。。。。 “What is it about creepy old men always underestimating women?” In a world of senseless violence and hateful acts against women, to see Lindy furiously stab evil men


Justin accepted her without hesitation; gave her the room to be seen as beautiful and desired in a place where she has only felt isolation and anguish. The revolutionary impact on Lindy, however, short their time together, cannot be understated.

