很自然很讓人舒服的一部愛情片。依着随機,自然而然,随遇而安的劇情走向,讓然觀看起來很舒服,因為這個就是生活。導演的攝像機大概是我們現在所流行的dv機吧,像素不高,但是那種老電影的質感卻恰恰符合這個發生在希臘複古浪漫的随意而安流浪的故事,這也可以說明電影真的不用花很多錢去制作,隻要你用心,你懂電影,低成本也是可以制作出好電影的,并不需要昂貴的相機,你才能拍一部好電影。也有slow cinema穿插其中吧,特别是多次使用off- screen 男主女主的對話,加上extreme long shot as well as the panning camera shoot in high angle to shoot the way of the bus in the almost whole duration without editing, it is not boring, but it is interesting, I really like it;). The director also likes to use long take, the deep focus. Maybe the fundental media itself is old camera, the color itself is beautiful. The female character is cute, the words she say is lovely and vivid, she is very easy going, and trying to purse something she like, won't pay attention about the common costume. I really like the scene in the film, especially they are in the edge of the coast, beside it is a strong waving flying beyond their heads, and the scene where they are at the peak walking, anyway, anywhere the setting they shot I definetly really perfer. I like this film very much, I will watch this film again.:)
The review of Magnetic Fields
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#HKIFF48 當現場有人問導演如何區分新聞和電影的時候,我可能懂他問得點,因為這部紀錄片確實沒有那麼cinematic ,把電影當作是一個工具來表達自己的目的性太明顯,她確實大概不懂電影是什麼,所以有點答非所問。但是她的行為我是 ...
@asianfilmawardsacademy bc 《風之城》
第一次看蒙古的片子,director is Mongolia, and produced in Mongolia.是一部關于神的故事,一個男孩的故事,他可以感受神靈,和他其他的生活。導演很喜歡用medium close-up 和 c ...
slow cinema 還是要在影院或者映室看????不然真的會持續不斷被催眠,然後暫停。。。這部是睡過去3次之後看完的。是我的問題,太令人驚豔了,最令人驚豔的是爺爺死了之後的一個俯拍establishing shot 的長鏡頭,因 ...
雖然 孤注一擲 的敘事完全沒有邏輯,完全沒有說明為什麼王大陸一下子突然之間就沈迷於賭博,金晨是大公司的模特就因為誤會一下子就被開除了?還是被封殺?然後她突然缺錢了,剛剛還覺得拍大尺度賺錢很可恥轉眼間就覺得黨賭博主播可以接受,,然後那 ...
The review of Scent of Wind
是一部名副其實的slow cinema, 正中我心懷,在買票之前看到形形色色的電影,一看到這部電影的title,就被深深地吸引,毫不猶豫就決定一定要看這部片子。因為是風呀:) 又是一部自導自演。電影中導演總是喜歡将camera擺得遠 ...