I am strongly encouraged by Whose Line Is It Anyway S17E03 after watching it. It provides so many insights into drama improvisation on the stage especially when it comes to the impacts on their audiences. I remember the first random scene called ‘One Night with A Sketchy Neighbor’, as actors are required to act quickly, and they are deliberately rebuilding scenes based on others’ improvised dialogues. It’s impressive to see people make the scenes go smoothly without pre-stage rehearsing. I have to praise their stage costumes as they really know how to draw attention from their audiences by using exaggerated and bizarre shapes and colors. Actors are costumed with very long mustache, bright red and yellow wig, huge garden pot with a flower inside, Elk head with astonishing antlers and unidentified bloody devil’s head. These costumes are so extraordinarily picked that they are rare, sketchy and wild that make the audiences thinking out of the circles of their daily lives. Their tones are also overtly emotional and flashy that we could seldom see people talk like that way in our reality. However, the dialogues like ‘did we go to the same school’ turns the story back from wild imaginative city scenes to reality and thus connects to the audience at last. It’s very nice to see that actors on the stage not only get immersed with the theatre atmosphere themselves but also make huge efforts to never bore their audiences. After watching the episode, I feel truly loved and cared as an audience.
S17E03 Review
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