S9E1 https://www.douban.com/note/867202675/?_i=0399932_3ZFvO_

S9E2 https://www.douban.com/note/867220305/?_i=0399893_3ZFvO_

S9E3 Exeunt

Exeunt,拉丁文,=they leave。結局不錯,imdb評分達9.2。




Thomas Babington Macaulay的詩,Horatius。

Then out spake brave Horatius,The Captain of the gate:‘To every man upon this earthDeath cometh soon or late.And how can man die betterThan facing fearful odds,For the ashes of his fathers,And the temples of his Gods.

Morse在Bevins處提到死者未完成的字謎,set by Codex,此處Codex可能指代COlin DEXter,原創作者。Dexter曾為報紙制作字謎,用的就是Codex。


法醫Max自嘲“隻是個鄉下病理學家”——just a simple country pathologist。1959年電影《桃色血案》(Anatomy of A Murder)中,James Stewart形容自己:just a simple country lawyer。然而該角色在整部電影中都表現得十分細膩、微妙、足智多謀,也很複雜,并不是鄉巴佬。Max也一樣。


McMurdo,這個名字出自福爾摩斯系列小說中的《四簽名》(The Sign of Four)。


星期四突發頭暈,是正劇《摩斯探長》最後一集(The Remorseful Day)主角心髒病發作的同一地點,Lonsdale College。鏡頭走位直接緻敬原作。


葬禮承辦人的名字,Claypole,來自狄更斯的《霧都孤兒》(Oliver Twist)。這個編劇對狄更斯與對福爾摩斯的喜愛程度一緻。


葬禮上神父說“…the pen is infinitely mightier than the sword.”,這句轉喻格言是英國作家Edward Bulwer-Lytton于1839創作的,原句:The pen is mightier than the sword if the sword is very short, and the pen is very sharp。


離開之前,星期四對夫人說,“Here's looking at you”——是引用《卡薩布蘭卡》裡鮑嘉角色的台詞:




“I know thee not, old man.” ——出自莎士比亞《亨利五世》國王對Falstaff說:

I know thee not, old man. Fall to thy prayers.How ill white hairs become a fool and jester.45I have long dreamt of such a kind of man,So surfeit-swelled, so old, and so profane;But being awaked, I do despise my dream.Make less thy body hence, and more thy grace.

星期四的演員Roger Allam曾經演過Falstaff。


摩斯拿着星期四給的滿膛槍。槍聲過後黑屏。這個設定像1970年代電影《法國販毒網》的結尾(本集摩斯也有販毒相關故事線)。電影裡槍聲的象征是Gene Hackman已經失控,開始向鬼魂射擊;而劇裡則似乎是象征着摩斯放下心中的魔鬼,向過去告别,大步向前。



Bright朗讀莎士比亞《暴風雨》(The Tempest):

Our revels now are ended. These our actors,As I foretold you, were all spirits andAre melted into air, into thin air:And, like the baseless fabric of this vision,The cloud-capp’d towers, the gorgeous palaces,The solemn temples, the great globe itself,Ye all which it inherit, shall dissolveAnd, like this insubstantial pageant faded,Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuffAs dreams are made on, and our little lifeIs rounded with a sleep. Sir, I am vex’d;Bear with my weakness; my, brain is troubled:Be not disturb’d with my infirmity:If you be pleased, retire into my cellAnd there repose: a turn or two I’ll walk,To still my beating mind.


結束合唱,摩斯遞了一本書給白發人——這位本應是Colin Dexter,這裡的喻意是前傳結束,接力棒傳遞,正傳由Colin Dexter撰寫。




新老兩代摩斯擦肩而過。Shaun Evans此時42歲,John Thaw出演《摩斯探長》時43歲。