看完《弗萊斯曼有麻煩了》,意外非常喜歡,雖然最後落到了普世的道理Now is always the best moment,但還是被最後混剪“the now”以及Libby在講述自己的書的構想、lifelong friendship所打動。
發現美國人描述life sucks和英國人特别不一樣,比如這部劇和《廢柴舅舅》都有描述中年生活伴随着孩子成長、離婚、自身心理生理問題伴随的一系列痛苦。但美國人描述的中年痛苦是如此具體 如此強烈,是一次次令人窒息的事件,每件事都讓人非常想大叫,hence they are so desperate to figure out the answer of life;
英國人則是不求找到答案,人生無解和喪彌漫在空氣中,uncle中每個人都有自身問題,舅舅中年未婚工作不穩定、Errol在單親家庭以及進入少年+青春期的孤獨和痛苦、Errol母親離婚且有alcohol addict煩惱,每個人獨立,卻在互相關系中獲得其他的痛苦及溫暖。這就是親密關系吧,是複雜的交纏。
對中年有了更多恐懼,就像劇中說的“what were you gonna do with the fact that time was going to march on anyway? What were you gonna do with this fact that you couldn’t win this fight?That was the problem. You were not ever going to be young again. You are right now as young as you’ll ever be again”.
Yes, we all die of the loneliness, but I wanna die of the hope.