第22届DokuFest科索沃国际纪录片和短片电影节将于8月4日至12日在科索沃普里兹伦市举行,中国导演王雪琪执导电影短片作品《醉舟》(国际片名:Drunken Boat)入选2023DokuFest 国际短片竞赛单元,同时该片成为第22届DokuFest唯一入选中国电影短片,本片由「香荚兰Vanilla」代理国际发行。

《醉舟》导演/编剧 王雪琪

导演王雪琪对《醉舟》(国际片名:Drunken Boat)的阐述:

Drunken boat wasborn during China's Covid-19 lockdown.The succession of shocking news made me realised the fragility of modern life. Meanwhile I discovered an absurdity: for a long time, people shared the illusion that we could live forever to work for material satisfaction. It is like a galloping train full of revellers. Once the train halts, no one can tell where they are or where they go. With Drunken Boat, I am trying to capture the spiritual confusionofmodern Chinese.

醉舟 诞生于新冠封锁期间。震撼性新闻接连发生,使我感受到现代生活脆弱性的同时,发现了一种荒谬:长久以来,人们共同分享着一种幻象,为了物质满足我们奔波劳碌如同可以永生。就像一列疾驰的火车载满了狂欢的人群,当火车突然刹车时,没人知道该去向何处。我试图用醉舟展现这种精神危机。


DokuFest历年来入围华语电影包括邱阳执导的剧情短片《小城二月》(A Gentle Night)《南方少女》(She Runs)、美籍华裔导演王男栿执导的纪录片《独生之国》(One Child Nation)、邹静执导短片《朵丽》(Lili Alone)。