第一集 Everything Has Changed
Transplant surgeons typically transport donor organs by carefully packing them on ice and racing as fast as they can to the recipient. The organ can only survive a certain amount of time until it's placed into its new body. At best, the heart and lungs only have six hours. But recently, scientists have developed machines that can improve these odds. Essentially, certain organs can now travel in a box that continuously perfuses them with nutrients, preserving their viability. This innovation has allowed us to increase the number of organs available for transplantation. And for over 100 000 people in this country who are currently waiting for an organ, it's a chance at a new life. When you get a new organ, you spend your life on medications designed to suppress your immune system so that your body won't reject it. But at least you have a life to spend and a body to medicate. Second chances can feel like an insult if you can't get over what you lost the first time around. Or they can feel like a miracle, like a hard-fought victory. A chance to live the life you've always wanted. ”
— Meredith Grey

不知道还有多少人在看这部剧,十九年无论如何都是太久了。但这季开头却不错,像重启,虽然从没有停播过。女主只签了八集,实习生们都是常规角色了,所以这季是新人新故事。新五小强性格鲜明,也映射了S1E1的很多场景:一个毒舌的亚裔女孩(Mika Yasuda)。一个已经和主治医睡过的金发女(Jules),Mer对林克的回应:我没资格评判你、远离电梯,多少旧事上心头。两个男生:Kwan有魅力的一面对应Alex、对手术的向往像克里斯蒂娜-杨,实习第一天就用谎言博取患者家属的信任,多少是有些不择手段;另外一个男生Lucas Adams是McDreamy的外甥。Amelia已被排除,Lucas究竟是哪位姐妹的娃?
Lucas在三器官移植手术开始前说,It's a beautiful day to save some lives,此处看动图的话,韦伯先和手术室护士Bokhee对视一眼,接着抬头去找观察室里的Mer和Amelia。

三器官同时移植手术的原型是芝加哥大学医院(UChicagoMed)的Dr. Valluvan Jeevanandam,Chief of Cardiac Surgery。
分集标题是泰勒-斯威夫特的歌,Ed Shreen有客串。
Roll With the Good Times / BEADIE
Young (feat. Liv Warfield) / JULIEN DECORET, JOON MOON
Tightrope (I Want It All) / BEADIE
Stronger (Grey's Anatomy Version) / THUNDERSTORM ARTIS

