
因为同时看了原著和电影,现在两者已在头脑里混合,并生产加工出一部各取所长的完美版本,导致本来就不客观的评价更加不客观了。前两天去逛了旧金山的垮掉派博物馆(The Beat Museum),专门关注了一下巴勒斯的部分,也确实获得了一些新东西。本文为一些背景信息和解读的分享,如果对我的影评和书影评感兴趣,可以点以上两个链接阅读。

The Beat Museum

Lee其实是巴勒斯(William S. Burroughs)的母姓,他甚至用这个名字出版过作品,所以Queer的主角William Lee相当于是原封不动的他自己。这个故事,以及巴勒斯的另一本代表作Junky,其实是根据他和Lewis Marker现实生活中的关系改编的,如果把小说和他的书信和日记并排对比的话,会发现他除了改动名字之外并没有编造太多内容。


电影的开头有一幕画面是巴勒斯写给Lewis Marker的诗,描写了他(在自我视角下)一厢情愿的、绝望的爱与付出,内容如下:


To M.
I gave you all I had.
I got no stash left.
Kick this one cold.
You can't turn me on.
You got a route different from mine.
You can't fix me if you want to.
I let it happen like I let the habit happen.
I knew it would hurt.
I didn't care.
O.K. So you won't.
So you can't.
Nothing to come down with.
Kick it cold.
I won't be sick forever.
Muscles twitch to rest.
The gut unknots and turns over.
"I'm hungry"
Some habits take your gut along on the way out
Like a mushroom bullet.
So I'm cured so I'm off.
Where can I go alone?
What I got left to take anywhere?
I gave it all to you, You never wanted it.
You never asked me anything.
It was my idea.
You say I got no grounds to complain.
Maybe not. I don't know.
Brought it on myself.
I guess I did.
I'm no accidental citizen walking down Accident Street And a brick falls on his sconce.
I'm no Innocent Bystander bystanding when the riot starts.
Lacted the only way I could act.
I end up nowhere with nothing.
Please don't lecture me because you are lucky and I'm not.
Please don't hurt me so I can't help wanting to hurt you.
At least wish me luck.
And let me stay ready to help you any way I can.

P.S. It looks like he won't even wish me luck or say good-bye.

Lewis Marker and William Burroughs

电影中最令观众费解的部分大概是第三章节中的现代舞,在我看来那段的视觉很有画家Francis Bacon的风格。英国画家Francis Bacon是同名英国哲学家近亲的后代,擅长描绘尖锐、狂暴、扭曲、噩梦般的画面。巴勒斯和Bacon在五十年代由艾伦金斯堡介绍相识,因为他觉得两人的艺术风格很相近,当时巴勒斯刚由于误杀妻子的风波出逃,而Bacon正处于一段灾难性的不健康关系中。巴勒斯评价两人的异同点:“Bacon and I are at opposite ends of the spectrum. He likes middle-aged truck drivers and I like young boys. He sneers at immortality and I think it’s the one thing of importance. Of course we’re associated because of our morbid subject matter.”

William Burroughs and Francis Bacon in 1986

饰演Allerton的演员Drew Starkey也在访谈中提到导演瓜达尼诺拍摄时参考了Bacon的画作。

Two Figures (1953)
Triptych–August (ii) (1972)

另一个有趣的点是电影中使用了两首半Nirvana的歌曲,电影开头Sinéad O‘Connor翻唱版的All Apologies、李与阿勒顿相遇时的Come As You Are,以及两人在餐厅吃饭时点唱机里播放的Marigold。这个时空交错的设置可能会让人感到困惑,事实上Nirvana的主唱科特柯本一直很仰慕巴勒斯,并在1993年见到了他的偶像,两人合作了一张单曲专辑The 'Priest' They Called Him,其中巴勒斯以monotone朗读,而柯本弹奏不协和的吉他噪音。

William Burroughs and Kurt Cobain in 1993