
导演萨拉 科兰吉洛 是被评为25名最具潜力的独立电影导演, 她早已成为圣丹斯电影节的宠儿ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ ,本作的编剧也是今年两部金刚电影的那个。。。。

主题也非常应景:纪念911 20周年(*๓´╰╯`๓)♡

Colangelo directs “Worth” with a deep sense of compassion. The film opens with stories of widows, without ever losing sense of human touch, even if some of the scenes feel a bit rushed and tidy in their narrative purpose. On the other hand, Keaton or his excellent supporting cast find the humanity in the movie. You can see Keaton considering his role in this chapter of historyand how best to fulfill it, a good man who learns an important lesson. It’s harder than people think for an actor to believably convey “thinking,” but Keaton’s subtle performance captures a man who is constantly doing exactly that.