神作!!!unparallel, at least in 2023.
前六集不单单是对抗一个自认为神的prodigy villain,从He Ping的棋局对话,到Olivia和Fahrad数字爱情,还有伊以二人放下民族仇恨,穿插其中的政治、人伦的探讨掷地有声。后两集剧情飞速的发展,结束于成神的Maddie选择restart with Caspian,看到她依然保有着塑造所谓人性的那些特质,accept our ignorance, pain, mortality, nostalgia, and still bold enough to make choices and embrace'em, in the case that everything is predestined or simulated,无法不为此动容。

最后看到女主说的那番话后,也想用文字暧昧一把。My neurons will be perpetually activated by the seemingly evanescent flicker between us.

Oh, btw, 这一季歌曲配乐比例少了后似乎配乐质量上升了许多。

dazzling orbits