


As a fan of John Woo, it pains me to say this but Silent Night is BAD! The script was awful and overstuffed with EVERY single stereotype & trope you’ve ever seen in a revenge B level action film with absolutely no originality whatsoever!

作为John Woo的粉丝,我很难过地说这话,但《平安夜》很糟糕!剧本很糟糕,塞满了你在复仇B级动作片中见过的每一种刻板印象和比喻,完全没有原创性!

The cinema of John Woo does not lend itself well to half-measures. In that light, the kindest thing I can say about his latest film is that its worst moments don’t resemble the cinema of John Woo at all.

John Woo的电影一向完成度都很高。有鉴于此,关于他的最新电影,我能说的最委婉的事情是,它最糟糕的时刻一点也不像John Woo的电影。

If you miss The Killer, Hard Boiled, or even Face/Off, you'll undoubtedly enjoy this adrenaline-inducing and bitter Christmas story in which a voiceless guy makes himself heard in the most crude and violent way possible.


One might expect Woo to crank up the immersive elements of his soundtrack in compensation for the lack of spoken words. But he does something more interesting: hollows the soundspace out, makes it feel tinny and sparse.
