原本随便挑的一部打算周末消磨时间的动画竟然成了我今年为数不多binge-watch的作品。动画配音阵容2010的时候都还没现在火,现在看来相当豪华哈哈。作品参杂了一些日漫元素,Nintendo彩蛋,teenage Rock band…故事讲的是Scott Pilgram梦中女子Ramona Flower闯入他的现实,一见钟情的故事。随后Evil League of Exes,Romona的7个前任组成的联盟,作为冲突点引入了故事,挑战Scott和Romona的爱恋。当然情节并没有那么简单,Scott被传送门带到了不为人知的地方,这时主人公便转变到了Ramona身上,从7个嫌疑犯ex展开探案的故事。看完的最大感想就是,10年前的我一定也会非常喜欢吧, 果然我还没有长大哈哈哈。It’s nice to feel young and stupid from time to time.

The girl in Scott's dream

剧透!The mastermind behind the disappearance of Scott was his elder version who was trying to prevent him getting together with Ramona after the elder version’s heartbreak. Scott was married to Ramona for 13 years until they broke up. The reason for the breakup was never explicitly explained, but Scott never tried to fix it. Scott和Ramona是真爱,这个事实被Scott和年长以及更年长的自己相遇时的坚定所证明,也是更年长Ramona质问更年长Scott所表达的真心话。年轻的 Ramona和年长的Ramona其实也是同一个人没有发生改变,still in love, and sill running away from love。故事的时间线三次被打断,Ramona and Scott got together. How sweet is that~

Spark = Love

很爱一些奇怪的幻想,一些触碰不到的梦,一些难以成真的爱恋,being young and stupid is so cool.当然一些情节也很现实,running away from love, disappointing the ones that loves you, reconciling, moving on, and most importantly, starting to love more~


First Date
Elder Ramona带Scott回去追逐爱情

Btw, Wallace和Scott住在一块儿被Ramona吐槽是不是sugar daddy笑死了
