布魯斯威利斯、藍爹、前邦女郎等一衆老戲骨攢的動作商業電影。A bit amazed to see Willis showing his muscles again ….. this movie’s much better than those Willis’ ones in the recent few years. Ogla plays a veteran cop who witnessed one blast sourced back to Willis organization. To eliminate tracks, Willis ordered his handyman Gabe to handle Ogla and her peers….surprisingly Gabe found out that Ogla has the same white elephant pendant as his late wife Alex.

總的來說,動作場面火爆 演員顔值演技不錯 背景音樂、服道化在線,但是可是然鵝 就是故事狗血了些。。。消磨90分鐘午後時光還算不錯的選擇。