大量的空鏡,恢弘的弦樂,破碎的劇情。最初有些摸不着頭腦有點難熬但是 看到後來體會到了Rome的浪漫 體會到了曆史的沉澱。隻有當Jep得知自己年少時深愛的女孩去世并且居然愛的是他,Jep才開始意識到他所失去的;

這部片子通過Jep的雙眼帶着觀衆從紙醉金迷的日子觀往對生活的探索。年少的Eliza,身旁的朋友,104歲的老人,全球通緝犯就是自己的鄰居卻一直沒發現,一切的一切都将生命in its simplist form展現給了Jep,指向他所探索的“Great Beauty”,也同時告訴了Jep他miss了多少生活。整部片子就像是一首詩,帶着觀衆感受人生 可以是一部很好的羅馬城市宣傳片。一般導演都喜歡用長鏡頭開場,這部片子鮮有的放在了片尾credits,帶着回味片尾那段話以及Jep的所見所聞。這部片子注定不會被廣為喜歡,但在我這裡,他足夠好了。


“This is how it always ends, With death; But first there was life. Hidden beneath the blah blah blah… it is all settled beneath the chitter chatter and the noise. Silent and sentiment. Emotion and fear. The haggard, inconsistant flashes of beauty, and the wretched squalor and miserable humanity. All buried under the cover of the embarrassment of being in the world, blah blah blah.. beyond is what lies beyond. I don’t deal with what lies beyond, Therefore… Let this novel begin. After all it’s just a trick, yes, it’s just a trick.”