

最大的硬伤,和黑镜之类的作品一样,就是disregard for human body. Becuase not only human brain is an effective, immaculate and almost perfect machine, so is the human body. Our intelligence and memory is not only centralized in our brain, but integrated through our whole body. 作者和编剧意识到了,在很多地方触及,但至少在第一季里还没有自洽。很多硬科幻秉持的还是老系的认知学理论,新一代的dynamical complex distributed self-organized intelligence还没有渗透到科幻文学里。然后如果新一代科幻作家都是从过去的科幻作品里汲取理论基础的话,这部分的缺失会是持续的(当然我没有看所有的科幻作品,只能从我看到的这一部分谈)。

Embodied cognition is the theory that many features of cognition, whether human or otherwise, are shaped by aspects of an organism's entire body. Sensory and motor systems are seen as fundamentally integrated with cognitive processing. 我们人类的肉体就是一座精密智慧到极致的神殿,我很理解为什么这么多人相信宗教。因为虽然经历六百万漫长的演化和突变,依旧很难相信人类肉体的设计没有系统蓝图。

最后对于God的悖论,让我想到Andy Weir的成名短片《The Egg》:https://www.douban.com/group/topic/184074920/

Centralized intelligence is always gonna be doomed, no matter there is decay or not.