《聖誕男孩》 是講述聖誕老人尼古拉斯凱的少年傳奇。。。影片開始時, 《唐頓莊園》老奶奶麥基 史密斯 女爵在影片中扮演Aunt Ruth, 照看最近喪母的三個小寶貝。那天剛好是平安夜, 三個小寶貝的父親Matt 灰心喪氣不想過節、也沒有裝點聖誕氣氛。。。是夜Matt 因故離家,Aunt Ruth給三個小寶貝講了小男孩尼古拉斯的故事

話說很久很久以前, 小朋友尼古拉斯與父親住在大雪紛飛的芬蘭。他的母親被熊所殺,小寶貝要求老爸每晚複述老媽身前講過的小女孩和精靈的故事 “her pockets full of chocolates.”Taking with him a headstrong reindeer called Blitzen and a loyal pet mouse, Nikolas soon meets his destiny in this magical and endearing story that proves nothing is impossible…



"ABoy Called Christmas" a genuine sense of enchantment. The film also hasdelicate animation that illustrates Joel’s bedtime story about Elfhelm and the gentle transitions from Aunt Ruth and the children to Nikolas’ adventures. There are a few sly references to familiar issues witha group called The Resistance to challengeMother Vodal’s panicked despotism. And there’s the king’s rhetorical question to his subjects about what would give them a better life. They make a few tentative suggestions like "health care" and "a living wage," but he insists that the answer is a quest for “hope,” even one where “most of you will die.”
